I just watched a completely horrible debate on homosexuality. On one side was James White and Michael Brown who are both skilled debaters and have published on the topic. The other debaters were two liberal Protestant pastors named Pastor Deweyne Robinson and Rev. Ruth Jensen-Forbell. I have never heard of either of them before and I don’t expect to see them again.
Category Archives: Modernism
Debating Evolution With an 18 Year Old Atheist
If you’re going to sell your soul to the devil, make sure you have a good lawyer to write up the contract.
– Dr. E. Michael Jones
Many years ago, I tried to get through The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. I couldn’t get through it because it was such a bad book. In fact, it was one of the worst books that I had ever read. I normally finish books that I start but I didn’t finish that one. Many people on both sides of the God debate didn’t like this book and essentially said that Dawkins was leaving his field of expertise. The man was a biologist after all.
What Muslims and Christine Blasey Ford Can Learn From Archbishop Vigano
As everyone knows the Kavanaugh hearings are all over the news. The big controversy is that three women have accused Kavanaugh of illegal sexual acts. The most prominent of these is Christine Blasey Ford who accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault. She said the following:
Archbishop Vigano Strikes Again!
Archbishop Vigano was become the Catholic version of Edward Snowden. He exposes the corruption and abuse of authority of people in important positions and then goes into hiding. I suppose the only difference is that people know where Snowden resides but Vigano is in a secret location. I have no doubt that the Vatican is hunting him since he’s revealing the fact that some of the highest ranking bishops in the Church are either involved in the sodomite cabal or are running interference for them.
What Vigano Accomplished and What He Didn’t
China Defeats the Pope! Imagine if Henry IV Were Alive Today!
October 9, 1958 was a very sad day for the Catholic Church. It was the day that Pope Pius XII died. Toward the end of October 1958, Pope John XXIII was elected and things have only gone downhill from there in terms of the Papacy. Whoever thought that communism ended in 1991 wasn’t paying attention as over a billion Chinese citizens are still subject to it.
So Much Chaos! Why Should We Stay Catholic?
Above is a compilation of video footage from my August vacation to Eastern Europe. Check it out. Anyways, that isn’t topic of this post.
Attorney General Josh Shapiro Responded to Me About the 2 Indictments
For the last few days I’ve been commenting frequently on Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s Tweets. I’m asking simply why there were only two indictments. Something few in the media are actually saying. They just scream “300 priests” when they’ve probably never even gone through the report. I haven’t gone through the entire thing(it’s over 1300 pages!) but I’ve read large sections of it. I’ve probably read half of it and I’ll need a very large coffee to read the other half.
Analyzing an Awkward Truth
My recent trip to Ukraine was interesting. One thing that I found interesting was how anti-Russian the Ukrainians were. Aren’t they brother and sister? Well, yes they are though to Ukraine’s defense the big brother has often acted horribly toward its younger sibling. Anti-Russian, anti-communist and anti-Stalin sentiment is at least understandable from a Ukrainian point of view. What is not understandable was their sympathy for the Nazi Third Reich. I found a very “If only” attitude toward Hitler and the Nazis regarding the outcome of the second World War. According to a Ukrainian friend of mine, this new mindset has emerged only after the “Revolution of Dignity” in 2014.
The Homosexuals in Clerical Ranks
It’s pretty fascinating watching the secular media react to the Vigano letter. That letter rallied a bunch of conservative and traditional Catholics against Pope Francis and are now calling on him to resign. While Pope Benedict was not a conservative, he did appear to be one to the outside world. Vigano’s letter deeply indicts Francis in lifting restrictions placed on McCarrick by Benedict. The secular media isn’t going after Francis. They’re just saying that conservatives in the Church are rallying and trying to oust Francis. If Benedict was caught doing what Francis had done, the media would be showing absolutely no mercy. It shows how much the media really cares about sex scandals in the Church. They only care about them if they can advance their leftist agenda.