Fear and Loathing in Moldova

Having talked about the religious situation in the two other countries that I visited, I thought that I’d talk about the third country that I went to and that is Moldova.  Moldova is the poorest country in Europe.  It was part of the Soviet Union until the disintegration in 1991.  Unfortunately we only spent two days here so my analysis is somewhat limited.  Unlike Poland we never had a relative as a guide to give us little tidbits about the culture.  I should point out that the above video is not mine.  I will be uploading some videos of this vacation to my YouTube channel soon.

James White, JW Dialogue, and Muslim Dialogue


I once saw a video with James White on ABN.  He was supposed to be talking about Islam but he ventured a little off topic to make a point.  He spoke of his ministry to Jehovah’s Witnesses and how he uses a certain tactic.  White has two main proof texts that he uses in his dialogue with them.  He explains that after the first one is used, there will be a pause as the JW will not have an answer.  At this point it’s fun to gloat but it’s imprudent.  The correct approach is to tell them to think about it for a bit then ask to show them another one.  Dr. White says that they always allow it.  From my street corner dialogues, I would say that I have a similar experience.  Dr. White is correct on that one.

Attorney General Josh Shapiro Responded to Me About the 2 Indictments

For the last few days I’ve been commenting frequently on Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s Tweets.  I’m asking simply why there were only two indictments.  Something few in the media are actually saying.  They just scream “300 priests” when they’ve probably never even gone through the report.  I haven’t gone through the entire thing(it’s over 1300 pages!) but I’ve read large sections of it.  I’ve probably read half of it and I’ll need a very large coffee to read the other half.

Analyzing an Awkward Truth

My recent trip to Ukraine was interesting.  One thing that I found interesting was how anti-Russian the Ukrainians were.  Aren’t they brother and sister?  Well, yes they are though to Ukraine’s defense the big brother has often acted horribly toward its younger sibling.  Anti-Russian, anti-communist and anti-Stalin sentiment is at least understandable from a Ukrainian point of view.  What is not understandable was their sympathy for the Nazi Third Reich.  I found a very “If only” attitude toward Hitler and the Nazis regarding the outcome of the second World War.  According to a Ukrainian friend of mine, this new mindset has emerged only after the “Revolution of Dignity” in 2014.

The Empty Threat of Sharia Gave Us Pride Parades

Yesterday my city had it’s annual Pride parade.  The parade where people gather and celebrate a sin that cries to heaven for vengeance.  Of course this has only gotten worse since they allowed homosexual marriage.  How did this happen?  I think that there are about three or four main reasons.  One is the sexual revolution.  Another is the collapse of the Church on this issue.  However, there is a really important issue that I don’t think people quite comprehend.

The Homosexuals in Clerical Ranks


It’s pretty fascinating watching the secular media react to the Vigano letter.  That letter rallied a bunch of conservative and traditional Catholics against Pope Francis and are now calling on him to resign.  While Pope Benedict was not a conservative, he did appear to be one to the outside world.  Vigano’s letter deeply indicts Francis in lifting restrictions placed on McCarrick by Benedict.  The secular media isn’t going after Francis.  They’re just saying that conservatives in the Church are rallying and trying to oust Francis.  If Benedict was caught doing what Francis had done, the media would be showing absolutely no mercy.  It shows how much the media really cares about sex scandals in the Church.  They only care about them if they can advance their leftist agenda.

Reflections on Two Days in Poland

A Church in the little town of Miekicz Nowy where my great grandfather Anton was born.

My recent trip to Europe was mainly to the Ukraine but we did spent two days in Poland.  I go to Church with a lot of Polish people.  I also go to church with a lot of people who have visited Poland.  My Church has two priests, one of whom is Polish.  Every time one of my friends comes back from visiting Poland they always tell me that I have to visit to see how Catholic it is.  I finally got that chance.