Archbishop Vigano vs Pope Francis

Pope Francis must be the first to set a good example for cardinals and bishops who covered up McCarrick’s abuses and resign along with all of them.

– Archbishop Vigano

On Saturday evening Catholic social media exploded regarding the letter from Archbishop Vigano who said that Pope Francis knew about Cardinal McCarrick and what he was doing, then lifted restrictions placed on him by Benedict XVI which were intended to keep him away from potential victims.  He also talked about the homosexual movement among the clergy including bishops.  There was a whole paragraph dedicated to the heretic Fr. James Martin.  He then called on the Pope to resign.

Catholics all over the spectrum are calling for Pope Francis to resign.  I’m actually quite shocked.  We all feel betrayed by this and it’s very depressing.  I will voice my opinion here and say that Pope Francis is the worst Pope in the history of the Church.  I’m not saying that John Paul II and Benedict XVI were anything special but these last five years have been a train wreck.

Secular media hasn’t touched this yet.  It will probably be revealed to the non-Catholic world this morning.  I don’t know what they’re going to do.  The secular left hates the Church but the one person that they like in the church has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.  One can only speculate.

When Pope Benedict XVI resigned in early 2013, I knew it was a huge mistake.  This is because I knew that going forward, resignation would be a realistic option for Popes and it may lead to people calling for the resignation of the Pope just like they’d do for a President of a nation or a CEO of a corporation.

That’s what has happened all over social media.  To be honest, this could start a civil war in the Church if not handled properly.  It won’t affect parishes directly but the politics will linger on at the administrative level.  I’m not going to tell other people what to do in terms of calling for the resignation of Pope Francis.  I feel too nervous doing it so I won’t.  On the other hand, I’m not afraid to criticize him for his actions.

The Francis Papacy has been a disaster with scandals, modernism, bad speeches, bad encyclicals and bad apostolic exhortations.  That being said, Pope Benedict made this all possible by stepping down.  It’s not only that an ultra-modernist occupied the chair of Peter, but now resignation is a realistic option for every Pope going forward.  It really damaged the institution of the Papacy in my opinion.

What I would like to see is the resignation of many pro-homosexual bishops.  Of course these bishops will claim to be against homosexuality but they’ve played the role of enabler for many years.

I’m going to be posting more on my trip later on but I could not let this go.  For those who like my Christianity vs Islam apologetics posts, don’t worry, they’re coming back.  There’s just so much going on in my life and in the Church now.  Things are going well in my life.  I can’t say the same thing for the Church.  I think that August 2018 is one of the worst months in our 2,000 year history.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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