Arius and Muhammad vs. Modern Heretics

When one studies 2,000 years of church history, there will certainly be a lot of heretics and heresies.  Many Fathers and Doctors of the Church have written collections of polemics against the multiple heretical groups of the day.  For example, we have Irenaeus of Lyons, Epiphanius of Salamis, and John of Damascus just to name a few.  They’ve all written collections of polemics against certain heresies.  Other saints have written extensively against one or a couple different heresies.  Saint Augustine is a good example with his works against the Donatists and the Pelagians.

Muslim Leftists and the Alabama Abortion Law

I do have to admit that watching the leftist reactions to the new Alabama abortion ban is very entertaining.  God bless Alabama!  These leftists are in ultra-panic mode.  I hear the constant statement from these leftist women that men can’t have an opinion on abortion since they don’t have a uterus.  It’s funny how women never say this to pro-choice men.  It’s only pro-life men who are ever challenged with this.  These female leftist abortion fanatics never complain about Roe vs. Wade which passed with a Supreme Court where every justice was male.

The Homosexuals in Clerical Ranks

It’s pretty fascinating watching the secular media react to the Vigano letter.  That letter rallied a bunch of conservative and traditional Catholics against Pope Francis and are now calling on him to resign.  While Pope Benedict was not a conservative, he did appear to be one to the outside world.  Vigano’s letter deeply indicts Francis in lifting restrictions placed on McCarrick by Benedict.  The secular media isn’t going after Francis.  They’re just saying that conservatives in the Church are rallying and trying to oust Francis.  If Benedict was caught doing what Francis had done, the media would be showing absolutely no mercy.  It shows how much the media really cares about sex scandals in the Church.  They only care about them if they can advance their leftist agenda.

Michael Coren on Politics and Jesus

Only Five Years Apart!

On May 24, Michael Coren came out with an article called Conservatives Don’t Own Jesus.  The reason that I’m not addressing this sooner is because Coren long ago blocked me on Twitter so I haven’t been able to follow his work as thoroughly.  He’s a pretty big voice in Canada so he cannot be ignored.  It seems like only yesterday he was writing Catholic apologetic books but now he’s promoting full blown socialism.

Western Converts to Islam

Hamza Tzortis – A Western Convert to Islam

Historically the West has always been firmly opposed to Islam.  This is because of the strong Christian Tradition of the West.  Unfortunately, the strength of the faith in the West is a mere shadow of its former self.  I’ve never met a Western convert to Islam before but there are Western converts.  Having reflected on the arguments for Islam and Christianity, I find the arguments for Islam to be overall very weak.  The Islamic sources show a very poor understanding of the two religions that it’s trying to usurp.

Anthony Buzzard, Liberals, and Sola Scriptura

I recently watched the dialogue between Adnan Rashid and Anthony Buzzard.  I have to say that Anthony Buzzard really disappoints me.  I don’t think that he has a lot of substance.  He claims that he’s shunned by Christians for saying the Shema.  That’s obviously a dishonest statement.  He’s shunned for giving an interpretation for the Shema that’s consistent with medieval Rabbinic Judaism.

Wisdom From the Movie Spotlight

In 2015 the movie Spotlight came out.  It was such a hit that it ended up taking best picture at the Academy Awards in February 2016.  It was certainly a controversial movie as it dealt with a sensitive subject which was homosexual priests raping children and an entire system covering it up.  This system included bishops, priests, lawyers, and others.

Two New Interviews: Cameron Wilson and Dr. E. Michael Jones

As all of my readers know, I’m trying to expand my empire onto the domain of YouTube.  Some may ask what the point is since YouTube is in the process of deactivating accounts at will.  James Allsup, Martin Sellner, and The Iconoclast seem to be the latest victims in their purge.  If you’re on the political right, look out.  I suppose if that happens I can head over to Bitchute.  It seems to be the refugee camp for those who have been purged from the ranks of YouTube.  Bitchute should be safe until the SJWs get control of it.  At that point who knows what we’ll do.

Adnan Rashid vs. Samuel Green on Salvation in Christianity and Islam

There was a recent debate between Adnan Rashid and Samuel Green on salvation in Christianity and Islam.  Samuel Green was technically representing the Christian side, though Green isn’t a Catholic so his theology is somewhat off though obviously closer to my position than the position of Adnan Rashid.