Muslim Leftists and the Alabama Abortion Law

I do have to admit that watching the leftist reactions to the new Alabama abortion ban is very entertaining.  God bless Alabama!  These leftists are in ultra-panic mode.  I hear the constant statement from these leftist women that men can’t have an opinion on abortion since they don’t have a uterus.  It’s funny how women never say this to pro-choice men.  It’s only pro-life men who are ever challenged with this.  These female leftist abortion fanatics never complain about Roe vs. Wade which passed with a Supreme Court where every justice was male.

On Twitter I follow several young females that have converted to Islam.  All of these women were leftists before they were Muslims and continue to be leftists now that they are Muslims.  I’ve asked these young ladies what they think about homosexuality and abortion.  They’re all for both.  Would Muhammad approve of this?

I have a Muslim friend from Gaza.  When I told him about abortion, he wasn’t familiar with the word in English.  I showed him the Arabic wikipedia article.  He read for about 10 seconds, shook his head then said Haram.  In my first year of university I had a Muslim friend from Iran(the only religious Iranian I’ve ever met btw).  He said that he thinks abortion should be illegal.

Forget their opinions though.  We have these young American leftists who convert to Islam at age 20 and they’re adamantly pro-choice.  One even said that she wished that America had Sharia law.  This is the same girl that has a view of homosexuality even more liberal than Fr. James Martin.  For these leftists, Sharia is only halal when it goes against the Christian faith.  When it goes against their homosexual roommate it suddenly becomes a “delicate issue”.

I think that every Muslim should be pro-life.  This position comes from a reading of the Quran itself.  Most Muslims, including these young American leftist converts, love to talk about the scientific miracles in the Quran.  Centre stage in the scientific miracles of the Quran is the famous development of the human embryo.  I won’t go into detail about this verse but it is in a couple places.  Here’s one example.

Then We developed the seed into a clot. Then We developed the clot into a lump. Then We developed the lump into bones. Then We clothed the bones with flesh. Then We produced it into another creature. Most Blessed is God, the Best of Creators.

– Surah 23:14

Here’s the supposedly glorious scientific miracle of the Quran.  I’m not impressed but Muslims seem to be.  Shouldn’t this verse warrant a pro-life position?  I mean the Quran is describing human life in its earliest stages.  The verse ends by talking about God being blessed.  These pro-choice Muslims believe it’s okay to kill Allah’s creation which makes him the Best of Creators.  Why do these young American female converts to Islam adopt the pro-choice position?  Because they’re leftists.  They’re leftists who hate Christianity but want to be spiritual.  To be fair, American Christianity is a joke.  American Evangelicals for the most part have wedded themselves to Zionism.  The American Catholic hierarchy is full of bishops who don’t have the courage to defrock sodomite clergy who rape children.

It’s a shame that these young ladies didn’t know the true Christian faith; the faith of Pope Gregory VII and others.  Still, that wouldn’t fit with their leftism.  In America, religion(including Islam) is whatever you want.  Even if it involves opposing a law which protects the embryo described in Surah 23:14.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “Muslim Leftists and the Alabama Abortion Law

  1. –For these leftists, Sharia is only halal when it goes against the Christian faith. When it goes against their homosexual roommate it suddenly becomes a “delicate issue”.–

    As I’ve said before, take everything the left does as motivate by hatred against Christ and all the apparent oxymorons actually make perfect sense.

    That and their real God is themselves.