Like the rest of the Bible, Muslims have a rocky relationship with the Gospel of John. If a verse from John supports a Christian doctrine, it’s worthless. If it supports an Islamic teaching, then it becomes super reliable. Imagine going up to someone saying that half the Bible supports my religion.
Category Archives: Modernism
Paul Williams and Zakir Hussain Exposed
Calling All Trad Catholic Writers – Infiltration is a Stepping Stone
Taylor Marshall’s book Infiltration is tearing it up. He’s appeared on many podcasts for interviews and the book is making the rounds. Not long ago I published a review of the book. While I certainly enjoyed the book, it kept me wanting more. It seemed that every chapter was only scraping the surface. So much more could have been written and I’m sure Taylor Marshall could have done more if he wanted.
Debate Review: Paul Williams vs. Jay Dyer
About a month ago, Islamic apologist Paul Williams debated Greek Orthodox scholar and philosophical expert Jay Dyer. The topic was the deity of Christ, which is a common topic discussed between Christians and Muslims. I’ve never seen Dyer debate a Muslim before. Perhaps he has but I’ve never seen it. He dialogues a lot with Catholics on issues like Absolute Divine Simplicity and uncreated grace.
Arius and Muhammad vs. Modern Heretics
When one studies 2,000 years of church history, there will certainly be a lot of heretics and heresies. Many Fathers and Doctors of the Church have written collections of polemics against the multiple heretical groups of the day. For example, we have Irenaeus of Lyons, Epiphanius of Salamis, and John of Damascus just to name a few. They’ve all written collections of polemics against certain heresies. Other saints have written extensively against one or a couple different heresies. Saint Augustine is a good example with his works against the Donatists and the Pelagians.
How Muslims Neutralize Ehrman on the Crucifixion
When I first started to get into Islamic apologetics, Bart Ehrman was the big name. Muslims weren’t going to pick up the Bible to read. Why read the supposedly corrupted Bible when you can just as easily read the scholar who shows that it is corrupt. That is of course, Bart Ehrman.
Michael Coren, Franklin Graham, and Pete Buttigieg
About five years ago, Michael Coren departed from the Catholic faith. What did he become? A liberal Anglican of course. He changed his faith because his views on homosexuality have changed. As I mentioned a few posts back, I don’t believe one can hold these contradictory positions forever. Coren has held this position for a few years but as time goes on, it’ll be harder to hold it.
Catholic Podcast Recommendations
Hello everyone! I hope that everyone had a blessed Easter! I was up north in my hometown. The Easter vigil in the TLM in my hometown started at 11:00PM. I’ve never had it start that late before. It’s usually 10:00PM at the latest. Either way, I had a great time up north with my family. I want to extend my congratulations to all the people who entered the church this weekend.
The Fires of Notre Dame
A Bisexual, Pete Buttigieg, and the Bible
It’s impossible to hold two contradictory positions and take them both seriously. If I told you that I was a vegetarian, then mentioned that I regularly eat steak, bacon, and ribs, you would say that I can’t be both. One can’t be a vegetarian and a regular eater of meat. This is why I believe that the homosexual “Christian” movement ultimately won’t go anywhere.