Catholic Podcast Recommendations

Joseph de Maistre

Hello everyone!  I hope that everyone had a blessed Easter!  I was up north in my hometown.  The Easter vigil in the TLM in my hometown started at 11:00PM.  I’ve never had it start that late before.  It’s usually 10:00PM at the latest.  Either way, I had a great time up north with my family.  I want to extend my congratulations to all the people who entered the church this weekend.

I recall a conversation this weekend where Catholic podcasts were discussed.  To this person I recommended my top three Catholic podcasts.  I’ll recommend them to those who read this blog.


This podcast features Dr. Taylor Marshall and Timothy Gordon.  Both of these men are big into philosophy.  I’ve always thought that my apologetics lacked a philosophical angle.  These two have inspired me to read more of St. Thomas.  Their theology is actually pretty solid.  I just listened to Matt Walsh get interviewed by Allie Beth Stuckey and realized how weak his theology is, despite how good he is on other issues.  I kept thinking to myself that I wish she had Taylor or Timothy on because they know their stuff incredibly well and wouldn’t collapse like Walsh.  This podcast usually has three episodes per week.

Right on Point

This podcast includes a young pair of siblings, Olivia and Paul Ingrassia.  I discovered this one a few weeks back and started binging it on my walks to and from work.  These siblings are only in their early 20’s but I’ve been super impressed by how sharp they are at such a young age.  On the first podcast I listened to they were both quoting Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange.  Anyone at their age who is quoting Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange is definitely on the right track.  They have two podcasts a week, and they come out on Monday and Wednesday.  In the video below they interview Timothy Gordon of TnT.


This podcast includes Stefanie Nicholas and John Hirschauer.  Stefanie is the only Canadian involved in any of these podcasts so it shows that we have to pull our weight up here north of the border.  John Hirschauer always has at least one gem per episode.  I’m always shocked that I hadn’t thought of the things he says before.  Nicholas and Hirschauer are quite different but have amazing chemistry.  They make a good team.  Their podcast usually comes out every Thursday.  Unlike the two other podcasts, this one is only once a week.

In addition to all of this, I did see a very well known Catholic Youtuber at Easter vigil but didn’t get a chance to talk to him as I was exhausted afterwards due to the late start.  In the very near future I’m going to expand my platform.  I will be making Youtube videos very soon.  I’ve got plenty of plans to get my content out there.  Who knows?  One day I might have a podcast of my own?  I’m getting ahead of myself.  Expect Youtube videos very soon though.

If any of my readers have any podcast recommendations, feel free to share them below.

God bless you all.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “Catholic Podcast Recommendations

  1. Some great podcasts I would recommend would be:

    The Liturgy Guys:
    They do a great job about discussing different aspects of the liturgy and Church, really smart and actually make a seemingly boring subject quite interesting.

    Pints with Aquinas
    Get your Thomas Aquinas fix with Matt Fradd. He takes a topic and analyzes it through the Summa and how Thomas Aquinas would answer the question but make it easier to understand for the average person.

    Catching Foxes
    Two guys discuss the intersection of faith and culture anything from movies and music to Church scandals. They are honest in their discussion and don’t sensationalize news like a lot of either “Right” or “Left” wing Catholic media does. Also they are hilarious. Highly recommended

    Happy Easter Allen!