This post is actually a good follow up to my last post which says that by around the year 1500, the days when a Pope wielded immense political power were long gone. The 16th century was one of Kings, Queens, and Princes. In my interview with Dr. E. Michael Jones he mentioned that the Protestant reformation was a state sponsored looting operation. He has mentioned this before as well.
Category Archives: Heresy
Medieval Church and State Relations
Poland and France are both Catholic countries. The main difference is the level of observance between the two countries. Not many French people are religious while Poland is quite religious. If the President of France is making policy and the Archbishop of Paris objects to it, the President will probably laugh and ignore it. If the Prime Minister of Poland is making policy and the Archbishop of Warsaw objects, he has to seriously reconsider the policy.
Homosexuals Against Homosexual Culture – Do they Exist?
The homosexual movement, also known as the LGBTQ movement is gaining ground in the West. This movement is extremely intolerant and lacking in morals. One way to see this first hand is to watch their Pride parades or their culture in general. By the way, I’m not recommending going to those parades. Stay far away from them.
Was Islam a Theological Threat to the Church?
When Muslims talk about the early Islamic invasions, they often talk about how Monophysites, Jews, and other religious minorities welcomed the Muslims as liberators from the oppressive Roman Empire. When one reads the early sources, they search in vain for references to this event. But how did the Roman Christians get treated?
The Leftist “Christian” SJW Shield
There’s something that happens that many notice but few are able to put into words. It’s the fact that SJW virtue signalling is used as a shield to defend heresies that one is promoting. It’s what a lot of liberals do to deflect criticism.
Catholic, Orthodox, or Reformed
St. Margaret Clitherow, Gunpowder, and the Church of England
A few days ago it was the feast of St. Margaret Clitherow. Clitherow was an English Catholic put to death in the late 16th century for her faith in Catholicism and opposition to Anglicanism. A young English traditional Catholic that I follow on Twitter was posting quotes from a book about St. Margaret Clitherow. I asked her what book it was, and she told me that it was Saint Margaret Clitherow by Katharine Longley. I’ve since ordered the book because the excerpts that she’s been sharing are really inspiring.
Joshua Harris vs. Michael Coren
In the 1990’s Evangelical pastor Joshua Harris wrote a book called I Kissed Dating Goodbye. It’s a book that was really popular among Evangelicals and even Catholics. Last year he repudiated the book in the same way that Thomas Merton repudiated The Seven Storey Mountain. He recently announced that he and his wife were getting a divorce. He more recently announced that he no longer identifies as a Christian. By the way, yesterday I was on the phone with a friend talking about this and he said that Harris’ book was awful.
If I Could Give Fr. James Martin One Book
I’ve always wondered what book I would give to a liberal heretic if I ever met them. Obviously Fr. James Martin is the most famous one in the English speaking world so he occupies the heretic slot in the question. What book would I give to Fr. Martin? Of course, Fr. Martin could be replaced with Ted McCarrick, Cardinal Wuerl, or any of the pseudo-theologians who composed the Instrumemtum Laboris for the upcoming Amazon Synod.
When Muslim Apologists Were Actually Muslim
I’ve got to give credit to Brigham Young University. They have a good Arabic program and from this program they have something called the Islamic Translation Series. Medieval Islamic Arabic works are translated into English. The publication produces a parallel Arabic text and much commentary. It’s actually a very well done set of books. I certainly plan on buying more though they’re not the cheapest books around.