Homosexuals Against Homosexual Culture – Do they Exist?

The homosexual movement, also known as the LGBTQ movement is gaining ground in the West.  This movement is extremely intolerant and lacking in morals.  One way to see this first hand is to watch their Pride parades or their culture in general.  By the way, I’m not recommending going to those parades.  Stay far away from them.

I don’t have any friends who are active in the homosexual lifestyle.  I know one homosexual who leads a celibate life but no friends who are in gay relationships or pursuing them.  Now, I do have friends who have decided to entertain these friendships with homosexuals.  They have said on occasion that their friends are against pride parades, talking with lisps, and the vast majority of things that are embarrassing to their movement.

Here is what I think about these active homosexuals who are against pride parades and other gay culture.  They don’t exist.  I’m going to be bold and say that they don’t exist.  Why do I say that?  Because they don’t come out against it.  Absolutely none.  I can’t think of one homosexual or activist who condemns this nonsense.

Let’s look at a similar example.  Jews.  The vast majority of Jews support the state of Israel.  Most religious Jews, whether they’re Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform support the modern state of Israel.  Most secular Jews support the state of Israel.  Most of the Jewish opposition to the state of Israel comes from Jews on the far left and ultra-Orthodox groups.  Yes, these anti-Zionist Jews exist.  We know that they exist because they’re very vocal about their opposition.

Two American Jews who oppose the state of Israel are Chomsky and Finkelstein.  They’re both on the far left.  Some Israeli Jews who oppose that state of Israel are Avi Shlaim, Mike Peled, and Ilan Pappe.  There are some ultra-Orthodox Jewish groups such as Neturei Karta and Satmar who oppose the state of Israel, though not for the same reason as the Jews previously mentioned.  They believe that Israel cannot be established unless it is established on Torah principles.

Anti-Zionist Jews are easily under 10% of the Jewish population but we know they exist.  They publish a lot of material and their movement has a large online presence.

If these more civilized homosexuals exist, they can at least start being loud about it.  Publish some books, start a blog or a YouTube channel, or even a Twitter account.  Obviously not everyone will do this but if this movement exists, surely some will.

That’s ultimately why I believe this group of homosexuals doesn’t exist.  If they do exist, they can prove me wrong and speak out, just like the anti-Zionist Jews.  As Steven Crowder likes to say: Change My Mind.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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8 thoughts on “Homosexuals Against Homosexual Culture – Do they Exist?

  1. –Now, I do have friends who have decided to entertain these friendships with homosexuals. They have said on occasion that their friends are against pride parades, talking with lisps, and the vast majority of things that are embarrassing to their movement.–

    Apparently this is because there is a small, but extremely vocal minority in the LGBT movement who will not be content unless their sexual depravity is forced into everyone’s faces. Homosexuals who just want to live a quiet life are denounced as traitors and bullied into silence.

    On the bright side (i.e. through God’s sovereign plan), it seems that the pendulum is swinging too far left – ordinary neutral observers are shocked out of their complacency by the extreme perversion of liberals (the LGBT movement in particular) and learning to re-appreciate the Christian foundations that the West was built on.

    I’ve noticed it from Reddit posts as well as two webcomics that summarize the phenomenon:



      • Not really condemning them, but still…
        “At almost any demonstration for gay rights today – most prominently the ‘gay pride’ marches which happen around the world – the call for legal equality (now achieved in most Western countries) is mixed in with things that would cause many homosexuals as well as heterosexuals to blush. There is nothing wrong with people enjoying whatever kinks they like in the privacy of their homes. But you don’t have to be prudish to feel that the phalanxes of people at such protests dressed in fetish gear, in chaps and more, is off-putting to whatever cause they are hoping to advance. If the black civil rights movement had included a fetish section it would have been considerably easier to ignore its moral force.”- from Chapter I, “Gay”

        • It sounds like he isn’t condemning them but saying they should be toned down. So not condemning but it’s at least more than anyone I’ve ever heard. And good on him for actually putting it in a book.