Reflections on July 4! – I Finally Saw it For Myself!

I saw about two dozen of these

Great Falls Montana is only a short drive from my city in Canada.  I can be there in a few hours.  I drove down there the morning of the fourth and happened to see more fireworks than I have in my life a hundred times over.  I was thoroughly impressed.  American patriotism is something that I’ve never seen rivaled.

John 20:17 Refutes Modalism, Not Trinitarianism

Enemies of the holy Trinity, mainly Muslims, have employed John 20:17 in their attempted refutation of the Trinity.  What does John 20:17 really say?  Here is the verse:

Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”

Debate Review: Paul Williams vs. Jay Dyer

About a month ago, Islamic apologist Paul Williams debated Greek Orthodox scholar and philosophical expert Jay Dyer.  The topic was the deity of Christ, which is a common topic discussed between Christians and Muslims.  I’ve never seen Dyer debate a Muslim before.  Perhaps he has but I’ve never seen it.  He dialogues a lot with Catholics on issues like Absolute Divine Simplicity and uncreated grace.

The Judas Doll in Poland

As everyone knows I was in Europe in the summer and spent two days in Poland.  Poland is known to be a very Christian country.  I found out recently that Poland has officially declared that Jesus Christ is their king.  I later found out that the part of the country that I was in was the most religious area.  I do have to admit, I was impressed.

The Conversion Story of Jacob Williams to Islam

I was sent a conversion story about a young Englishman named Jacob Williams.  He converted to Islam and he shares the reason why in First Things Magazine.  He’s also quite fond of Western culture.  There used to be a guy on Twitter named the Muslim Traditionalist.  I don’t think he’s been active for a while but he was an interesting fellow.  He’s a fan a Joseph de Maistre.  Jacob Williams might very well be as well.

Karim Al-Hanifi and French Apologetics

The English language is not the only Western language in which Islamic dawah is being conducted.  There is of course the French language.  Millions of Muslims live in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.  In North Africa in countries like Morocco and Algeria, French is widely spoken.  Being a Canadian who grew up speaking French, I can also help the French speaking regions fend off dawah efforts.

A Bisexual, Pete Buttigieg, and the Bible

It’s impossible to hold two contradictory positions and take them both seriously.  If I told you that I was a vegetarian, then mentioned that I regularly eat steak, bacon, and ribs, you would say that I can’t be both.  One can’t be a vegetarian and a regular eater of meat.  This is why I believe that the homosexual “Christian” movement ultimately won’t go anywhere.