Archbishop Vigano Strikes Again!

Archbishop Vigano was become the Catholic version of Edward Snowden.  He exposes the corruption and abuse of authority of people in important positions and then goes into hiding.  I suppose the only difference is that people know where Snowden resides but Vigano is in a secret location.  I have no doubt that the Vatican is hunting him since he’s revealing the fact that some of the highest ranking bishops in the Church are either involved in the sodomite cabal or are running interference for them.

Archbishop Vigano has just published a second letter.  It can be found here:

Vigano talks about the silence of Francis and how indicting it is.  He writes:

If he had said: “Viganò lied,” he would have challenged my credibility while trying to affirm his own. In so doing he would have intensified the demand of the people of God and the world for the documentation needed to determine who has told the truth. Instead, he put in place a subtle slander against me — slander being an offense he has often compared to the gravity of murder.

Archbishop Vigano then goes on to give some examples of Pope Francis defending homosexual clergy.  After this, he makes a specific appeal to a bishop from Canada, Cardinal Ouellet:

Your Eminence, before I left for Washington, you were the one who told me of Pope Benedict’s sanctions on McCarrick. You have at your complete disposal key documents incriminating McCarrick and many in the curia for their cover-ups. Your Eminence, I urge you to bear witness to the truth.

According to Vigano, Ouellet knew fully about the sanctions that Benedict had placed on Cardinal McCarrick and has documentary evidence.  Now the ball is in Cardinal Ouellet’s court.  I see four options.  The first is that he can say Vigano is lying.  The second is that he can say that he no longer has access to the documents so he can’t know for sure.  The third is that he can support Vigano’s claim and produce the documents.  The fourth and most likely option is that he will try to wait this one out like Pope Francis is doing.

Number four will probably be the answer for now but I don’t think Vigano is going to go away.  He’s given up a lot to release this information and has nothing more to lose.  I’ve heard Edward Snowden say that he knows that he will be in an American courtroom one day.  Will Archbishop Vigano end up in the dock of an ecclesiastical tribunal is Rome opposite a prelate from the Apostolic Signatura?  I have my doubts.  He hasn’t done anything illegal so local authorities in other countries won’t cooperate in a search for him.  He’s also 77 years old.

Being 77, he knows that he doesn’t have a lot of time left on this earth.  He may not have his court date in this time but he knows he’s drawing nearer to a courtroom that no soul can avoid.  The courtroom of almighty God.  He knows that he will be judged in that court and he is doing what so many bishops before him have failed to do and that is have the courage to expose the demons in the high places of the Church with their sodomite agenda.  No one gets a pass in that court.  I won’t, you won’t, Archbishop Vigano won’t, Cardinal Ouellet won’t, and Pope Francis won’t.

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3 thoughts on “Archbishop Vigano Strikes Again!

  1. The mainstream media continues to overlook this crisis of the Papacy. Yet we (certainly in Britain) find that tittle tattle about Trump is reported instead.

    Perhaps we should be relieved for the sake of the Church that this is under-reported, as long as the Church members are informed about it and are able to eventually hold the authorities to account.

    • Hi Christopher,

      It seems that the Kavanaugh thing is taking centre stage. The media won’t report Catholic stuff unless it’s the mythical “300 priests” from Pennsylvania lie.

      Here’s a clip of American Jewish writer Ben Shapiro exposing these double standards.

      God bless,


      • Ah yes the Kavanaugh matter.

        It appears prominently in our news. To be fair Sky put more of an emphasis on it than the BBC. It should be of no interest to us. Sometimes I feel I am living in a wannabe 51st state.

        Thanks for the link to Shapiro. I will have a listen.