An Update On My Blog

St. Francis de Sales

St. Francis de Sales

St. Francis de Sales has always inspired me.  I’ve read many of his works since he has an extensive collection of writings.  In fact, Pope Pius XI declared him to be the Heavenly Patron of all Writers.

On January 26, 1923 Pope Pius XI wrote the following:

Since St. Francis, up to this time, has not been named the Patron of Writers in any solemn and public document of this Apostolic See, We take this happy occasion, after mature deliberation and in full knowledge, by Our Apostolic authority, to hereby publish, confirm and declare by this encyclical, everything to the contrary notwithstanding, St. Francis de Sales, Bishop of Geneva and Doctor of the Church, to be the Heavenly Patron of all Writers.

The last six months have been quite a wonderful experience for me in terms of writing. I’ve made it my goal to blog consistently and I have done just that. I’m happy for all of the people that I’ve been able to share my wisdom with. I’m also thankful to all of my readers who have given me feedback on how I can improve and what I can do differently.

I plan to continue blogging but I’m going to be making some changes. I will be adding an extra section where I can post essays that I’ve written on religion and apologetics. This allows me to write much more on a particular topic than I would be able to elaborate on in a blog post. For those of you who enjoy my blog posts, do not fear, my blog posts won’t be going away. I’ll be writing them at the same frequency as I have been doing.

I plan on doing more book reviews in the future as well. As of now I’ve done two but have plans for more down the road. Similarly I will be expanding my Recommended Reading section to include books on several topics.

I also feel that I should develop my studies of Islam. I have studied a fair bit about Islam but I should study more so I can write in more depth and provide the Church with a lengthy and intelligent critique of Islam, not just one or two points I can gloss over in a post.

With my study of Islam I will need to build a good defence as well. I need to be able to defend the scriptures against Islamic attacks and therefore need to study them even more. This study will include studying many commentaries, especially liberal ones since Islamic apologists have resorted to quoting them. My study of liberal scholarship will also include increased study of the works of Bart Ehrman because Islamic apologists quote him extensively. Studying his work will give me a good handle on atheists as well since they’re the other major group that uses his writings.  Also, reading the scriptures more often will help me a lot in this quest.  I do try to read the scriptures every day but as of this moment, going forward, I will read them every day, no excuses or exceptions.

Another plan I have is to write books on apologetics. I don’t know if they’ll be paper books or ebooks but that’s the plan. At the moment ebooks seem more attractive since they’re far easier to publish than paper books. Regardless, I will be looking into both options.

Another possible change on my website may include the banner. Though it is a beautiful picture of the Dalmation Coast in Croatia, it has little to do with the content of this blog. I’m not worried about this too much but I would prefer something in line with my theme.

I do have other plans as well but I don’t wish to share them now. I just wanted to give my readership a heads up on what to expect in the next little while.

If you have any recommendations, please write them in the comments or contact me. Also, keep me in your prayers as this is a daunting task.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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