Why is Steve Ray Talking About Islam?

I’m a huge fan of Steve Ray.  He’s a very good apologist, especially when it comes to the early Church fathers.  I’ve read several of his books including his book on his conversion story and his evaluation of the Papacy.  Here he is at Franciscan University of Steubenville talking about Islam.  For those who don’t know FUS is one of the biggest Catholic education centres in America so this isn’t some minor audience.  It’s a group of University students at a Catholic University.  The talk is also recorded and put on the Steubenville YouTube channel so it’s a huge Catholic audience.

Steve Ray has never published any books on Islam before.  To my knowledge, he hasn’t even published any articles.  Well, perhaps he’s read up on it.  Apologists can research new areas after all.  I’m about to embark on a huge study of a new subject of which I don’t know a lot.  I’ll certainly know a lot about it in the coming months.  Is that what Steve Ray did?  Did Steve Ray do an extensive study of Islam?  No, he didn’t.  He said himself in the first couple of minutes that he hasn’t finished the Quran yet.  I suppose that I’m more qualified to talk about Islam than he is.

Why is he talking in a University setting about Islam when he hasn’t even completed the Quran, let alone the Hadith or other Islamic sources?  I’m guessing that it’s primarily because of the writings of Robert Spencer as he quotes him during this talk.  For all the Christians reading this, when a Muslim hears the name Robert Spencer quoted by a Christian apologist, they get a feeling comparable to when we hear a Muslim apologist referencing Bart Ehrman.  I think that it’s really troubling that he hasn’t read the Quran, since he’s been doing pilgrimages to Muslim countries and regions for decades and is an apologist for Catholicism.

At this point, I suppose what I should mention is what Steve Ray should have said.  What should he have talked about? What should he have done?  One word.


Yes, empathy.  Empathy is important because if you don’t understand the Islamic mindset you’ll get absolutely nowhere.  Looking beyond his lack of Quranic knowledge and slightly condescending tone, Ray says a lot of true things in the talk.  The unfortunate thing is that he doesn’t tie the points together.

How do Muslims view Islam?  They believe that every religion out there except Christian and Judaism are man made.  They believe that while Christianity and Judaism are of divine origin, human error has crept into them to such a large degree that they no longer provide salvation for their followers.

Islam is the perfect religion.  It is free from corruption since the days of Muhammad.  The Quran is the direct word of God and has been preserved to the letter.  Nothing has been added or subtracted, unlike the Torah and the Gospel.  The Quran of course was delivered by Muhammad, the greatest human being that ever lived and is a perfect example to follow for all generations.  This is what a practicing Muslim believes, especially if he’s from a Muslim country.

Using empathy is the proper way to communicate our message.  Knowing what I just explained, are Muslims going to take Ray seriously?  What Steve Ray is doing is throwing red meat to the lions.  He’s reinforcing the “us” against “them” mentality.  Maybe once he’s done the Quran, he’ll take a different approach.  Probably not.





On another note, I have my first published article ever.  Thank you onepeterfive.com!!!

The Third Revolution in the Catholic Church

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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13 thoughts on “Why is Steve Ray Talking About Islam?

  1. Given his relative lack of knowledge of the subject, all that really interests me is why is he wearing that hat?

    Seriously, would you recommend any particular talks of his?

    • Hi Christopher,

      I would recommend every talk except this one. I like Steve Ray but he shouldn’t be given a platform like this until he’s properly researched Islam.

      As for the hat, he often wears hats like that lol.

      God bless,


  2. He knows less about Islam than I did before I knew anything. And they gave him a standing ovation for the talk. I wanted to throw something. How disrespectful in a university kind of setting to invite someone THAT ignorant about another group’s beliefs to educate on that group’s beliefs? They couldn’t find ANYONE without at least a tiny modicum of experience? Maybe at least someone who even had a Muslim friend or something? How insulting to the Muslims. Luckily they will never know because Catholics like at Steubenville just hide in their little Catholic caves and don’t make try to make friends with Muslims– or anyone else. Great model for evangelization.

    • Hi Elizabeth,

      Thanks for the comment. I’ve never met anyone who went to FUS so I can’t comment. Have you had a lot of interaction with them?

      Also, are you a Muslim?

      God bless,


        • No, I am Catholic. I have a lot of friends who graduated from Steubenville, and I used to attend many events there. That’s why the video of Steve Ray particularly upset me. I used to feel like Steubenville was a safe Catholic place, a place to grow in my faith, not sneer at other people. It feels like a betrayal. I have had Muslim friends and students for many years; I love, value, and and am grateful for them.

  3. I couldn’t agree with you more. I found his whole talk condescending and faintly mocking at times of the way Muslims are called to prayer. I thought this guy was supposed to be a noted Catholic apologist. Empathy seemed to be lacking entirely. What has prompted me to write on this blog is that I come from Christchurch, New Zealand and I’m sure you are aware of the shocking news from our city. Our Prime Minister has shown herself, in contrast to more powerful world leaders, someone who not only talks empathy but shows it. The picture of her with the Islamic veil went around the world. She has received plaudits from world leaders from many countries. I replied to Steve Ray on his blog re the above talk and he curtly dismissed my opinion by suggesting I know nothing about Islamic history. Kia Kaha.