Who is Jerry Coyne?


This is Jerry Coyne. Doesn’t he look like a charmer? He certainly has attracted a lot of followers in the last few years with the publication of two books. In 2009 he published Why Evolution is True and in 2015 he followed up with Faith vs. Fact.

He goes after religion non-stop. I think he’s making up for lost time because he was 59 when he published his first book. It makes you wonder what he was doing for all those other years. He reminds me a lot of Richard Dawkins. After all, they’re both biologists, both hate religion with a passion, both have bad arguments, and both avoid debates.

I have a lot on my plate now in my personal life and in my apologetics career regarding this blog. I have some apologetics essays to write, some Islamic Hadiths to read, some church history books to read, some Biblical commentaries to read, and preparation for a possible debate with Protestant apologist James White in the Spring.

Regardless, Coyne has caught my eye. He lives closer to me than Richard Dawkins so some fruit may actually come from this. I’ve listened to his lectures on science and religion. To be honest, I don’t think he’s that much of an expert in either.

When my current tasks are cleared off my table, I’m going after Coyne. I think that it will be very beneficial for the Body of Christ since he seems to gun for us all the time.

Recently when I was watching one of his lectures he ended with a statement that I’ve never heard before from any modern Western atheist apologist. Right before the Q and A, he said the following:

People ask me, what are the two things that I would do to make the world more accepting of evolution, my answer would be universal healthcare and get rid of income inequality because when you do that you change society in such a way that religion is less needed by people.

You can go to 1:08:45 to hear it from Coyne himself. The key to getting rid of religion is by promoting socialism. In other words, if you’re a libertarian atheist or a fan of Ayn Rand, STOP NOW! You’re just carrying water for the God believing evolution deniers!

I’ve never heard an atheist apologist put it this way before but I suppose its true. Socialism has basically routed out Protestantism in northern Europe. This seems awfully convincing since socialism is basically taking over America and it’s getting less religious. The only problem with socialism is that it can’t sustain itself. The society will collapse morally and monetarily so this answer that Coyne thinks is so brilliant will backfire in the long run. Secular families have less children, you get upside down family trees and the young ones can’t afford to pay for the retirement of the elderly since there are so few young and so many elderly. You have to import people from other countries who don’t share your values and then it’s only a matter of time.  The West is finished.

I will be going after socialist Jerry Coyne. I’ll be reading his books, listening to his lectures and responding. As I said, give it a little time then I’m taking the gloves off.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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