What’s Wrong With Jewish History? Well….

I’ve started to notice something about Jewish history and I find it quite appalling.  I find this in Jewish books, articles and other writings.  We can all agree that the holocaust was an extremely tragic event in human history.  Jews certainly know this more than anyone.  Sadly, it has deeply affected the way that Jews think and do history.

Whenever Jews write about an ugly episode in history before the holocaust, they often tie it to the holocaust.  They talk about being forced to wear different clothing, being forced into a ghetto, being persecuted for one reason or another and somehow this attitude is a precursor to the holocaust.  Here’s a good example.  There was an article in National Review by a columnist defending the Spanish Inquisition.  A writer for the Times of Israel named Ben Sales wasn’t having any of it.  Using Benzion Netanyahu’s outdated scholarship he wrote a vicious reply.  He finishes the article with the following sentence:

Benzion Netanyahu, the late father of the Israeli prime minister and scholar of the Inquisition, did assert that King Ferdinand (that King Ferdinand) backed the Inquisition in part to prevent a wider, popular bloodbath. But Netanyahu also insisted that in its purveyors’ deadly pursuit of racial purity, the Inquisition was a precursor to the Holocaust.


Well there you have it.  The Spanish Inquisition was the precursor to the holocaust.  The same Spanish Inquisition that persecuted Jews who pretended to believe in Jesus when they didn’t.  The same Spanish Inquisition that couldn’t lay a finger on a Jew if they hadn’t willingly received the waters of baptism.  The same Spanish Inquisition that non-Converso Jews used to settle scores with Conversos that they thought were traitors to their faith.  According to Netanyahu and Sales, this is what was the precursor to the holocaust.

Why do Jews do this?  Jews have been taught from the youngest age to believe Christianity has been dripping with antisemitism for 2,000 years.  This isn’t true.  However, the biggest crime committed against the Jews was clearly not a Christian act.  If the Church wanted to kill every Jew in Europe, they could have done it in the Middle Ages, in the days when a Pope could depose a monarch by writing a Papal Bull against them.  Why didn’t Pope Innocent III do the holocaust?  Why did it happen in the extremely secular 20th century when the Church had no power as opposed to the 13th century when the Church had enormous power?

Since Jews believe that the Catholic Church carries 2,000 years of antisemitism with it, it’s a puzzle to them.  Why was it done by German nationalist SS soldiers and not the Templars under papal orders?  They won’t answer that but they will say that ugly episodes of the Church putting the Jews in a ghetto, making them wear distinct clothing and other things are the precursor to the holocaust.

Why does this bother me?  Can’t the Jews write anything that they want?  It bothers me because they use this in interfaith dialogue with the Church.  They hold it above the Church and say that if we don’t praise them to the skies, support the Zionist state, and tell them that Talmudic Judaism is valid in God’s eyes, they’ll play the H card.  Sadly, the Church is often spineless in this regard.  As a Catholic the Church needs to stand up to Jews who do this.  Dr. E. Michael Jones always likes to say that if Jews are going to blame the Catholic Church for the holocaust, the Catholics get to blame the Jews for Bolshevism.  How’s that for interfaith dialogue?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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