What Muhammad Forgot to Tell the Ummah

My French Quran

We’ve all heard of the perfectly preserved Quran, right?  Millions of Muslims around the world memorize the Quran which hasn’t been changed since the time when Muhammad received it from Allah, right?  We’ve all heard the argument and recently I got into a debate with a Muslim on Twitter regarding this issue.

Anyone who has read the Hadith collections is skeptical of the supposedly perfectly preserved Quran.  For example, here is a Hadith from Sahih Muslim that shows parts of the Quran were missing.

‘A’isha (Allah be pleased with, her) reported that it had been revealed in the Holy Qur’an that ten clear sucklings make the marriage unlawful, then it was abrogated (and substituted) by five sucklings and Allah’s Apostle (ﷺ) died and it was before that time (found) in the Holy Qur’an (and recited by the Muslims).

Reference  : Sahih Muslim 1452 a
In-book reference  : Book 17, Hadith 30
USC-MSA web (English) reference  : Book 8, Hadith 3421
  (deprecated numbering scheme)


Now where are the five or ten sucklings in the Quran?  They aren’t there.  The main argument seems to be that they were abrogated.  However, when a Muslim is confronted with this, they usually link to an article.  In my case, the link was to an article by Bassam Zawadi.  Here’s the link:


At the end of this article, Zawadi says the following:

We can clearly see that the evidence shows that the consensus amongst the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) was that the verse’s recitation was meant to be abrogated and it was also commanded by the Prophet (peace be upon him) to abrogate this verse. However, the command came just a very short while before the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) death and therefore not everyone was informed about it and some still thought that it was still a recited part of the Quran. However, once they have been informed that the Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered its abrogation, then they stopped reciting it. 

So in other words it went from ten to five to zero.  However, the abrogation from five to zero came just before Muhammad’s death.  Now, I’ve provided the link so everyone reading this can go see Zawadi’s article.  It’s a short one so its not hard to read.  He never quotes Muhammad or his companions.  Every single one of Zawadi’s quotes is from am imam, scholar, or commentator throwing out opinions hundreds of years later.  Let me repeat, Muhammad or his companions aren’t quoted once.

Now, we do have a Hadith that says why this verse was missing(a sheep ate it), though it’s from Sunan Ibn Majah which is considered a weaker collection of Hadith.  Oh well, let’s say that its weak.  It’s more than what Zawadi or others can argue in terms of their theories.

I just want to finish this post off with one Quran verse.  In Surah 15 we read the following:

Surely We revealed the Message, and We will surely preserve it.

– Verse 9

If you’re only going to memorize one Quran verse and one Hadith narration in your life, make it these two.  God bless.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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4 thoughts on “What Muhammad Forgot to Tell the Ummah

  1. I had a look at the link you provided Zadawi’s explanations present more problems for Islam, so to does the very matter itself of the supposed abrogation.

    Explanations as to why the verses and the alleged abrogation were not in the Koran adds to the reasons for disbelieving its veracity. The apologists are in effect admitting that the Koran was cooked up.

    If any verses are abrogated then the abrogation should appear in the Koran. First of all the the verses of the 10 sucklings should have appeared in the Koran but Allah could not protect them from a hungry sheep, then the subsequent 5 sucklings were also part of the recitation and so ought to be in the document used today. But no, we are told that Mohammed’s companions alleged that he had commanded that it be abrogated. This is an astonishing claim, if verses were part of Mohammed’s recitation in his role as a (self-styled) prophet then surely they must be part of the Koran – and so too would be subsequent abrogations. Someone has been making things up.

    As usual we see the inpetitude of Muslim apologists: “and it was also commanded by the Prophet (peace be upon him) to abrogate this verse.” So Mohammed commanded this? I thought the Koran was independent of Mohammed and that he was only a reciter.

    Islamic apologism is a mess because the Islamic religion is based on lies.

    • Yes, exactly.

      The problems are numerous. You’re correct, they should be in the Quran even if they’re abrogated. Still, Muhammad or his companions never said that. These are scholars hundreds of years later.

      Their only hope to salvage the Quran is to be Quran only at this point, but that opens a whole new can of worms.

      God bless,


      • The ignorance of the imams, sheiks and the so-called scholars is deliberate. Of at least they have scales on their eyes and do not see it; they are not true to the intellects that God has given them. They are lost. The tragedy is that they are dragging millions of devout people down with them.

        Mohammed and his companions have a great deal to answer for – they are surely answering for it now in the realm of Satan.

        I wonder, did Mohammed was fully aware that he was an Antichrist or was he himself deceived?

        If Mohammed’s career was deliberate I have nothing but comtempt for him, but I have this horrible idea that he was a spiritual man who desired to know God but was deceived by an evil spirit that he met in that cave and, but for the encouragement of his wife and her cousin (who were not in the cave at the time), might have held to his initial impression that he had encountered an evil spirit.

        • Here’s my guess. He was confused and somehow became convinced he was a prophet. This was probably done with the help of heretical Christians.

          As time went on he decided to enjoy the benefits of this. He probably had some doubt but carried on for whatever reason.

          We can’t be sure though. I don’t believe that the church has given a ruling on this. Regardless, whatever his motives were, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s a false prophet and shouldn’t be followed.