We Need Female Apologists Against Islam

St. Catherine of Siena

In the cultural debate about Islam, many people are quick to say that Islam is oppressive to women.  Muslims are quick to respond by saying that the majority of coverts in the West are women.  I find this to be true through my personal research.  The reasons for this are a topic for another post.  Regardless of this, there seems to be a lot of female Muslims in the West, whether they’re converts or born into the faith.

I’ve mentioned before that I’m trying to build a network of Catholic apologists against Islam.  No Catholics seem to want to go there so I’m taking the initiative.  I’ve Skyped with a few Catholics that are interested in entering this endeavour but there seems to be a problem.  The problem is women.

It’s a lot easier for a woman to talk to a Muslim woman.  Apologetics is certainly a male dominated field.  There are exceptions but they’re just so few in number.  Apologetics consists of two things.  The first is public apologetics.  This is what I do on this blog or on my Youtube channel(which will soon become very active).  The second big part of apologetics is private apologetics.  That’s where I dialogue with people who are struggling with faith.  The second part is just as important as the first.

I’ve met a lot of people online who have converted to Islam or other false religions.  From a male perspective, it’s a lot easier to talk to another guy than it is to talk to a female.  Females definitely need our help as well.  We need women who are at least willing to do private apologetics so they can talk to those in need.

I was recently talking with someone who might be up for it, but she’s got a lot going on in her life.  I don’t blame her.  It takes a lot of time to study apologetics, particularly against Islam.  It takes a lot of focus as well and this young lady wants to focus on other projects.

So I would encourage young Catholic women to consider this.  From my experience, Muslim women are very protective against non-Muslim men.  I don’t blame them at all for this.  They’re following basic human nature and the teachings of Islam.

One problem is that if you’re a female apologist seeking to reach females, you’ll probably end up having to deal with males which is the discouraging part of this whole project.  It’s a little bit ironic.  I suppose at this point one could look to St. Catherine of Siena for inspiration.  After all, she yelled at the Pope and told him what to do.

So that’s my pitch to young Christian women out there.  We need female apologists.  It’s at least something to pray and meditate about.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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6 thoughts on “We Need Female Apologists Against Islam

  1. I’ll give you one: Ann Barnhardt. She always ends her posts with with a Ciceronian twist “furthermore I consider that Islam must be destroyed.”

  2. 1. “Muslims are quick to respond by saying that the majority of coverts in the West are women.”- interestingly, they never mention the fact that 2/3 of the Western converts leave Islam within three years after their conversion.
    2. “She always ends her posts with with a Ciceronian twist…”- Bryan (if I may), I guess you meant a “Catonian twist”.