Three Problems With Surah 5

If I were to encourage Christians to read one Surah of the Quran, I would suggest Surah 5.  It’s one of the last chapters revealed and really does damage to Islam.  If Muhammad had died a few years earlier before Surah 5 was “revealed” then it would have saved Islam a lot of trouble.  I’m going to point out the three most damaging things to Islam in this Surah.  There are more!  Surah 5 is certainly a bag of goodies, but here are the top 3.

The Trinity Blunder

In verses 73, 75, and 116 the Quran goes into a detailed refutation of the doctrine of the Trinity.  I’ve used this argument in dialoguing with Muslims.  There are two or three answers that they use but none of them can salvage the Quran.  It’s just too big a mistake.  This is especially good since Muslims like to debate this topic.  If they like it, they have to deal with the consequences.

The Affirmation of the Torah and the Gospel

Verse 68 is another problem.  Contemporary Islam says that the Bible is corrupted.  This verse certainly tells a different story.  Like the preview point on the Trinity, I have written several posts on this issue.  I’ve also field tested this argument and there are no good answers for it.  I’ve never heard a Muslim quote this.  They simply try to ignore it and pretend it doesn’t exist because of the direct implications.

Christians can go to Jannah

Verse 69 says that Christians can go to Jannah by following their religion.  This is true for Jews and Sabians as well.  Because of this verse at the end of the prophetic career of Muhammad, there is no abrogation.  This verse shows us that the Quran doesn’t care about Tawheed.  Trinitarianism and Unitarianism are equally valid before Allah according to this verse.  Now, I haven’t field tested this one like I have the previous two, though I have sought out as many responses as I can and haven’t found anything satisfactory.  The only things that we can conclude is that Muslims care more about Tawheed than the Quran does.


If Christians are going to only read one chapter of the Quran, this one is the best.  According to lists that Muslims scholars assemble, this chapter is either the last or one of the last to be revealed to Muhammad by Allah.  These reflect the understanding and beliefs of Muhammad before he died.

Now, slick Muslims will have objections to these verses in this Surah.  I have taken the time to go through all of these objections and refute them.  I’ve also written many posts on ways that these verses can be presented.

Christians should read through this Surah and then search “Surah 5” on this website if they want to know the best ways to present these verses to a Muslim.  It’s not hard but it should be properly researched.

There are other blunders in Surah 5 as well.  It’s hard to believe but there is quite a bit more regarding the preservation of previous scriptures.  Regardless, Surah 5 is where to start.  I encourage every single Christian to read this, whether they’ll be dealing with Muslims or not.  It’s easily my favourite chapter in the Quran.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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2 thoughts on “Three Problems With Surah 5

  1. I shall certainly look at Surah 5 with renewed interest.

    I usually mark this one out for the mist misquoted ayah in the Koran: namely 5:32. It is never quoted in full by a (Western) Muslim and they always neglect to follow it up with 5:33 just to make things clear.

    5:68 is devastating. In comparison what are we to make of 10:84?

    • Hi Christopher,

      Verses 32 and 33 are interesting and often misquoted. In regards to 10:94(I assume 84 was a typo), I’ve actually heard a pretty good response to that one by a Muslim apologist. It’s good enough to get me to not use it. Surah 5:68 is unbeatable though. I would stick to this verse, especially as it comes at the end of Muhammad’s life.

      God bless,
