The Islamic Jesus – Zero Standards

We Christians always accuse Muslims of double standards.  Applying one set of standards to our faith while applying a different set to theirs.  Well, I’ve been listening to some old stuff and of course arguing with people online and it just came to me.  They have absolutely zero standards.  It’s not just a lesser standard.  There are no standards whatsoever.

I remember all those years ago when Nabeel Qureshi debated Paul Williams.  Williams had absolutely zero standards for his Islamic faith.  He just liked it because it was a “simple faith”.  Well, it’s pretty sad if he has no standards for his simple faith.

Let’s explore some more examples of zero standards.  We have the first century.  We have multiple sources that give us the fact that Jesus Christ died on the cross.  How many sources in the first or second century century talk about a community of Islamic Christians or an Injeel?  Absolutely zero.  We don’t even have the NT documents writing against Islam.  Acts 21 would have been the best opportunity for James to bring up these issues if he was indeed a Muslim.

Now if you ask these same people to look at the evidence for the crucifixion, the ultra scepticism is employed. We have multiple first century documents but that’s not good enough.  They’re not written by eyewitnesses, they’re tampered with, the manuscripts are late, etc.  You name it, they say it.

This is every Muslim apologist I’ve ever come across.  Paul Williams is the best example.  He just wanted a simple faith and didn’t care about the evidence.  Well, that’s fine but then he goes on applying impossible standards to the Christian faith.


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