The Decline of Faith Goldy

I remember about five or six years ago when Faith Goldy came on the scene.  As a Catholic, I was happy to see a young, attractive, articulate and traditional Catholic standing up for the faith in a our extremely secular country.  She eventually started working for The Rebel Media where she gained further fame.  She even went to Iraq to cover the genocide of Christians happening over there.

In 2014 she hosted a Catholic event in my city.  She moderated a discussion with three local Priests and talked about how she came to faith.  She mentioned that she came from a vague Christian background.  One of her parents was Greek Orthodox, the other was Ukrainian Greek Catholic.  She talked about how her mother was sick and on the brink of death.  I can’t remember the specific illness but I believe it was throat cancer or something else to do with the throat.  The doctors said that she had two weeks to live.  Faith Goldy then found some icons, put them up against her moms throat and prayed over her.  Her mom was cured and went on to live for six more years.  What a beautiful story.  I got to meet her in person at the end of the night.

Fast forward to the last year or two.  Goldy began to get into these sketchy white nationalist movements and continued to get deeper into European nationalism and Identitarianism.  She was eventually fired from The Rebel Media for going on a white nationalist podcast in the summer of 2017.  Since then she’s become an independent journalist with her prime focus being the decline of the white population in Canada.  I honestly wish I was joking.

She’s not opposed to immigrants because they’re Muslim, Buddhist, or atheist; she only opposes them because they’re not white.  This is 100% contrary to the Catholicism she claims to believe in.  It is contrary to Catholicism to discriminate based on color.  If she wanted to ban all non-Catholic immigrants from Canada, then that would be consistent with the Catholic faith.  We’re allowed to discriminate based on religion, but never on skin color or ethnic background.

Goldy goes to a Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.  She grew up in the Greek Orthodox Church.  In both of these churches, you’ll find mainly people of a European background.  However, if Goldy would hop on over to a Roman Rite Church, she’d see that they’re full of Filipinos, blacks, Hispanics, and Arabs.  Catholicism is the most ethnically diverse religion on the planet.  White’s are a minority in the Catholic Church.  In fact, out of all of the cultures that embrace Catholicism, the ethnic Europeans are the least religious.

Last week, Goldy was scheduled to give a speech at Wilfred Laurier University entitled: ETHNOCIDE: Multiculturalism & European Canadian Identity.  Right before this speech started, someone pulled the fire alarm causing an evacuation of the building and thereby cancelling the event.

Why does Goldy’s obsession with the decline of the white population in Canada bother me?  It bothers me because she wears her Catholicism on her sleeve.  I’m very opposed to Andrew Sullivan for the same reasons.  He claims to be a devout Catholic and is in a homosexual “marriage” and openly advocates for the Church to change on this issue.  If Goldy were an atheist, I wouldn’t care about any of the nonsense that she’s promoting.

The highest calling of the Catholic faith is to be a saint.  In fact, if we look at the Saints of the Church over its 2000 year life, we don’t find any of them obsessed with skin color or ethnicity.  Was St. Francis of Assisi, St. Ignatius of Loyola, or St. John Vianney obsessed with skin color or keeping their region a certain ethnicity?  Absolutely not.

When the Spanish Catholic monarchs Fernando and Isabella expelled the Moors and Jews from Spain in 1492, that act was completely consistent with Catholicism because it was based on religion and not ethnicity.  Any Jew or Moor who converted to Catholicism was permitted to stay and given full rights.  The two Catholic monarchs didn’t care at all about ethnicity.  The Jews and Moors who converted didn’t change their ethnicity or skin color, only their faith.  Goldy should learn from these two monarchs.  Simply put, Catholicism is about faith, not color.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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20 thoughts on “The Decline of Faith Goldy

  1. Thank you for this!! I did not follow her and her type of message exactly enough to see that she is in fact promoting the white race! Interesting if it is true. I can barely believe it. Are you sure that is what she means? Is this what Martin Sellner promotes or what is your take on his message? It seems decent enough, but now I have no idea.

    In any case Christianity was a brown middle eastern man’s religion first! Phoenicians, jews etc. All sort of light brown people! hah

    • Hello Maria,

      I haven’t followed Martin Sellner as closely. This is because he’s Austrian and Faith Goldy comes from our own back yard. Martin Sellner may be against Islam only, in that case it would be okay. If he’s opposed to all non whites because they’re not white, then that would be inconsistent with his Catholicism. I hope that its not the case.

      “Are you sure that is what she means?” Yes, this is all that Goldy is obsessed with these days. Watch the video above. It’s all about keeping Canada ethic European. Barely any mention if any is made about Catholicism though she always talks about how she’s Catholic.

      “In any case Christianity was a brown middle eastern man’s religion first! Phoenicians, jews etc. All sort of light brown people! hah”

      Yes, in fact when this brown middle eastern man told his brown middle eastern disciples to make disciples of all nations, the white Europeans became some of the many beneficiaries of that message.

    • Is Faith Goldy ‘White’?,…. she looks kind of ‘middle eastern’ to me,… she’s kinda brown. But, she’s concerned about prioritizing of non-Euro peoples over Euro peoples due to the matter of non-Euro peoples being encouraged by some governements to do mass migration to Euro-countries.

  2. Our Lady was born in Nazareth and Jesus was born in Bethlehem. To promote Catholicism as strictly European is beyond crazy. I wonder how she argues her position for Coptic Christians?

    • Perhaps she does not ‘promote’ Catholicism in this manner specifically, but it does come off as hypocritical.

      • Hi Amy,

        I don’t actually think that Goldy is racist if you got that idea. She’s probably of the opinion that other cultures are fine as long as they stay in their own countries. I don’t think that she was promoting Catholicism as European, but what she is doing is inconsistent with Catholicism.

    • She would advocate for the freedom of Coptic Christians within their own country, which is EGYPT, not Canada. There is no incompatibility between Nationalism and Catholicism.

  3. Do you believe in religious freedom? I’m not sure why discrimination based on religion is objectively better than discrimination based on race. (I understand choice is involved with religion, but still I would think that both are bad although as a Catholic I guess you believe that separation of church and state and all that is faulty).
    I do agree with you though many people on the far right just wear Catholicism and orthodoxy on their sleeve. The video you posted as well the hosts are literal pagans so pretty interesting she’s going on there.

    • Hi norcal,

      The Catholic Church has always approved of discrimination based on religion. That is why Fernando and Isabella weren’t reprimanded or disciplined for what they did. We’re free to disagree with their decision but it wasn’t against Catholic teaching. The words “far right” are squishy words. I would say white nationalist or identitarian as they deal more with her heresy. Many on the far right don’t behave like this.

      Yes, they are pagans. I don’t know why Goldy is hanging around such a sketchy crew.

      God bless

  4. You misused an apostrophe on “Filipino’s” when referring to Filipinos in the plural. Please watch your grammar in the future. Incorrect grammar is offensive to my intelligence.

  5. You seem to have got things extraordinarily wrong.
    Faith Goldy seeks to preserve the very worthy Christian civilisation that built her country.
    The “immigration” she opposes is the illegal invasion of her country by hordes of Muslim “refugees”, nothing to do with colour.
    The Muslims are, as always, exercising their thirst for conquest, this time via terrorism and by “peaceful” invasion disguised as refugees.
    Faith, like me, a devout Catholic, wants another Crusade.

  6. There is no longer any moral ground the Catholic faith or its protectors/ advocates can stand on. The systematic abuse of children and organised cover up of said abuses over decades( centuries?) , around the world will shortly negate this religion to the dust bin of religious history.

    Now, to be sure, Ms. Goldy is a moronic hate promoter. And she too will join the Catholic faith in a pile of historic rubbish, as will all who preach hate and cause pain to children.

  7. One thing of which to be conscious is the degree of heathenry present in peripheral practices as well as the liturgy, and quite possibly in the thinking, of so-called Catholics from places like the Philippines, South and Central America, and Africa. Anyone who has visited these parts of the world and seen what passes for Christian worship amongst those people would have serious second thoughts about identifying any of them as Catholics.

    A more honest description would be that these people are primitive heathens who have adopted Catholic window-dressing. They are rather like cargo cultists, but instead of worshipping machines or Prince Philip, they worship a caricature of the Roman church. You need to be more informed and open about just what sorts of people make up all these non-White numbers in the Roman church.

    As for Goldy (and others like her) specifically on the topic of the diminishing of various sections of the White race:
    Does the Church support genocide? From the point of view of these people, genocide is what is being perpetrated not just against Canadians but against White people all across the world. Certainly there are a lot of policies in place that tend to disadvantage, diminish and discriminate against White people on the basis of their race; whether this qualifies as genocide in the absence of direct violence or proven motivation is the only controversy I see, since the letter of the law and the measure of its practical effects are pretty clear. But whether or not you or I think that these policies amount to genocide is beside the point. Goldy and others believe that they are working to stop what they perceive as genocide. Telling them that it is un-Catholic to oppose the extermination of their race is not going to be persuasive.

  8. Boy oh boy, has the author got her wrong! Her stance has nothing to do with skin color. That’s a libel.

    The reality is that she, like growing numbers of Canadians, is deeply concerned with the flooding of the country with fake refugees who only agree to come over after arm-twisting by Jihadi Justin and promises of free stuff for life. What makes it all the worse is that Canada, according to PM Airhead, has no culture, no core values, no identity. So, in other words, people coming from alien cultures and holding values antithetical to those of Canadians are free to live here as if they never left their homelands. We only need to look at the disastrous European experience with this type of migration. Western Europe has been described as a powderkeg waiting to explode.

    We are already seeing an explosion of crime in places like Southern Ontario thanks to Truedope’s “Just cross over illegally!” immigration policy.

    According to an immigration lawyer, all of these tens of thousands of fake refugees who chose to enter Canada illegally will be given free room & board for the 18 months it takes to process claims on average. The taxpayers will pay for all of it.

    At what point does this insanity bankrupt the nation? Now Jihadi Justin is about to sign the Global Migration Compact which will flood the West with hundreds of millions of Third Worlders with zero job skills.

    If this idiot gets a second term Canada as we know it will be finished. The damage will be irreversible.

  9. No you got her completely wrong. Goldy never said to deport people based on skin colour, only illegal immigrants no matter what race.

    Talking about the decline of white population: there’s a simple test to see whether it’s racist or not. Would you think of someone as racist if they are talking about the decline of any other race?

  10. We need more women/men like Mrs Goldy, when the time arrives and its not far off when SISSY BOY IN Ottawa sells CANADA out and he has started, the fairies in Canada will WISH they had listen to Mrs Goldy

    1- Take their religion away from them so they believe in government-sounds firmilure
    2- Bring education to the point where if you can identify a rock you get into university
    3- Why would they want us to sit around the dinner table seeing how they through us under the bus 60 years ago ..ask a teenager to solve a math question they cant even give proper change in MacDonald
    4- Keep the unwashed in fear mood
    5- Remove their will power so the cant fight back
    6- Make sure they have enough money in their pockets just to barely pay bills
    7 Pay them as little as possible so they have to get 2 3 jobs so they don`t think about how the are getting FU$@&&$@
    8- People can`t pay for their loved ones burial they have to go on go-fund-me
    9- I was told to remove my cross from around my neck because it offended people…WHAT ????
    10-First they came and took away the Jews and no one complained, then they came and took away the Catholics and no one said a thing, then they took away the Muslims and no one said a thing, then they took away me and then there was no one left to complain
    its upon us
    11-If voting was to make a difference, we would not be allowed to vote
    George Orfanakos