The Biggest Secret of the Year

It’s been an interesting year with this website.  I’ve got to meet quite a few new people in both the apologetics community and Catholic community in general.  The Lord has truly blessed me.  Before this year, I was only moderately familiar with the Quran.  Having read it multiple times this year, I’ve gained a lot of knowledge.

My goal this year was to study a lot of the Quran and the Torah and I believe that I’ve done both.  On one of my read throughs of the Quran I took notes throughout the whole read.  It was quite a tedious task.  That was actually my free Quran that I got from Shabir Ally’s organization via mail.  Thank you Mr. Ally!

Here’s a little story.  I’m going off memory here as I don’t feel like digging up the video.  A few months ago I was listening to David Wood on Al Fadi’s show.  He mentioned that the Quran was really an awful book to read.  He wasn’t referring to its content but to how the book was written.  In other words, Allah talking to Muhammad with no context given.  He then mentioned that it was a penance to read.

I’ll be honest, the Quran is certainly unique in its book in terms of composition.  To my knowledge there is no other book like that on the planet.  All one has to do is compare the Gospel of Mark with the Quran.  Jesus Christ goes to a town, preaches about certain topics then leaves.  It’s a biographical narrative.

I’ve read the Quran through several times this year and I must respectfully disagree with David Wood.  I actually find it a fascinating book to read.  Don’t get me wrong, I believe it’s as equally false as Wood does but I think its interesting.  The author of the Quran genuinely believed that it was the next step in the Abrahamic story.  It’s clear from a plain reading of the text.

As someone who knows the Bible well, I have an advantage in reading the Quran.  It’s a bit ironic that Christians could probably make more sense of the Quran than Muslims can since we have the Biblical background that the Quran admittedly depends upon.

One of the most fascinating things about the Quran is it’s knowledge or sometimes lack thereof of the previous scriptures and history.  I find Surah 2 to be quite informed on previous revelation.  On the other hand, I find the Quran’s critique of Christian Trinitarianism to be absolutely terrible.  There was recently a debate on Trinity vs. Tawheed between David Wood and Mohammed Hijab.  I think that Mohammed Hijab criticizes the Trinity better than his god can.  The same would go for any Muslim apologist.

The more I familiarize myself with this book, the more confident I become.  The best apologists against Islam are the ones that know the Quran the best.  I hope in the new year to join that group because my study of this book will only increase.

I want to wish all of my readers a Merry Christmas.  Have a good time visiting family, eating turkey, opening presents and celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Merry Christmas and God bless!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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4 thoughts on “The Biggest Secret of the Year

  1. In one of his presentations Islamic apologist Ali Ataie has made the interesting claim that the Bible has a linear structure, whereas the Quran has a circular structure, which is why it’s such an unusual reading.
    “I’ve read the Quran through several times this year and I must respectfully disagree with David Wood. “- well, it’s a matter of perception, I guess. Parts of it are kind of interesting (like Sura 27:82), but others are truly boring (there are things that are repeated like a dozen times. Frankly, it gets really tedious at one point), not to mention that there are passages that make no sense without the Hadith and the tafsirs. In any case I find nothing in the Quran that is even close to “supernaturally eloquent” (whatever this means). As I pointed out some time ago, it’s certainly not a match to works such as “Paradise Lost” and “The Raven”.
    Merry Christmas and may God be with all of us.