The Abortion Holocaust

One of the passions of my life is defending the helpless. Throughout the years, many pre-born human beings have lost their lives due to their mother choosing death over life.

Most of these women don’t know what they’re doing. I am very involved in the pro-life movement and speak to activists quite often. When they show graphic images to post-abortive women, many of them are shocked to see the results. Some say that if they had seen those pictures prior to their abortion, they would not have decided to do it.

Several years ago, I decided to take my conviction to the next level and get involved in my city. Since then, I’ve done activism on the street, donated money to pro-life groups and prayed in front of abortion clinics.

It is understandable that abortion is an issue we’d all like to forget about. It’s easy to say turn our heads and look the other way. This is not an option for a Christian. One of the commandments prohibits murder. It is true that many governments allow abortions but an unjust law is no law at all. We need to inform society and work to repeal these evil laws.

As Christians, we should all at least make a contribution to this cause. Perhaps donate money, volunteer or pray for the women who are considering it as an option. Let’s say that 20% of western civilization professes to be Christian. It seems like a lot but how many of that %20 is involved in pro-life activism. Let’s be generous and say 5%. This would mean that only 1% of the population cares enough to do even the smallest bit of activism.

If this entire population put effort into this movement, we would have abortion gone within a decade. Western politicians would no longer be able ignore this serious issue.

Also, Christians need to brush up on their pro-life apologetics. There are many excellent resources on the internet and in bookstores. Unfortunately secular bookstores probably won’t carry them. YouTube is also a good place to find lectures and debates.

I am not saying that every Christian should seek to become a full blown pro-life activist and apologist. I’m saying that we should all do our part. If we all do a little, we could make a large difference. The other 80% of the population is made up largely of secularists as well as religious minorities. There is no doubt that some of these people are pro-life. When they see the 20% claiming to be Christian rising up, they will rise up as well.

Eventually, the abortion holocaust will be no more. Until then we need to do our part to make sure it is slain.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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3 thoughts on “The Abortion Holocaust

  1. The massive availability and practice of abortion is a sign of a corrupt and sick society, only which will take something of a chastisement to correct. Only conversion and repentance will turn the society around. Where will this christian uprising come from, when people who are only christian in name are in need of conversion themselves?

  2. Excellent post, abortion will end when pro-lifers become more invested in saving babies than pro-aborts are in killing them.