Debating Evolution With an 18 Year Old Atheist

If you’re going to sell your soul to the devil, make sure you have a good lawyer to write up the contract.

– Dr. E. Michael Jones

Many years ago, I tried to get through The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.  I couldn’t get through it because it was such a bad book.  In fact, it was one of the worst books that I had ever read.  I normally finish books that I start but I didn’t finish that one.  Many people on both sides of the God debate didn’t like this book and essentially said that Dawkins was leaving his field of expertise.  The man was a biologist after all.

What Muslims and Christine Blasey Ford Can Learn From Archbishop Vigano

As everyone knows the Kavanaugh hearings are all over the news.  The big controversy is that three women have accused Kavanaugh of illegal sexual acts.  The most prominent of these is Christine Blasey Ford who accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault.  She said the following:

Archbishop Vigano Strikes Again!

Archbishop Vigano was become the Catholic version of Edward Snowden.  He exposes the corruption and abuse of authority of people in important positions and then goes into hiding.  I suppose the only difference is that people know where Snowden resides but Vigano is in a secret location.  I have no doubt that the Vatican is hunting him since he’s revealing the fact that some of the highest ranking bishops in the Church are either involved in the sodomite cabal or are running interference for them.

What Vigano Accomplished and What He Didn’t

My favorite Tweet of the year

A month has passed since the letter of Archbishop Vigano surfaced.  He exposed a network of high ranking bishops in the Church who are helping to promote homosexuals like McCarrick.  He gave the names of numerous Cardinals that are involved in this sinful cabal.

The Three Worst Arguments For Islam

In my years of dealing with Islam, I’ve heard a lot of arguments for their faith.  I haven’t been convinced by any of them and that is the reason that I’m not a Muslim.  However, there is certainly a hierarchy in their arguments as some are better than others.

I’m going to list what I think are the three worst arguments for Islam.  I should point out that I will only list arguments that are widely used by apologists.  I’ve heard other bad ones but they’ve only been used by either a single apologist or YouTuber so I won’t list them here.

China Defeats the Pope! Imagine if Henry IV Were Alive Today!

October 9, 1958 was a very sad day for the Catholic Church.  It was the day that Pope Pius XII died.  Toward the end of October 1958, Pope John XXIII was elected and things have only gone downhill from there in terms of the Papacy.  Whoever thought that communism ended in 1991 wasn’t paying attention as over a billion Chinese citizens are still subject to it.

Exposing Liberal Lies About Education

Recently I was reading a website run by an ex-Evangelical turned atheist.  He left his faith because of reading critical scholarship about the Scriptures.  Anyways, he’s big on education.  That’s his thing, the more education that you have, the less you’ll believe.  I’ve actually thought about this for years.  If you have more education, will you be more secular?  If so, is this a black eye for religiosity?

The Orthodox War: Moscow vs. Constantinople

Last month as many of my readers know, I was in the Ukraine for vacation.  On my very first full day in the country, I went on a walking tour in Kiev.  Our guide took us around the main areas in the centre of Kiev.  Eventually we arrived at a little monastery called St. Michael’s Monastery.  She told us that we could go inside the main Church for 5 minutes then come back.  I informed her that I was in shorts and it wasn’t appropriate.  She said that this church doesn’t care what you wear.  I know that in 2014 when I was in Serbia, Kosovo, and Bosnia they wouldn’t let you in unless you had pants on.

Islam – The Religion of Muhammad, Jesus, Moses and….Who?

Muslims in the West like to talk about Islam as the religion of all of the Prophets of God.  They don’t believe that Islam started in the 7th century.  That was simply the ummah of Muhammad.  Islam is the oldest religion on the planet and it was adhered to by Adam, Noah, and essentially every righteous figure that Muslims read about in the Old Testament and then of course John the Baptist, Mary, and Jesus in the New Testament.