Jason Kenney vs Joseph de Maistre

The above video is quite telling.  Basically what Brown is showing us is that what flies under the banner “conservative” these days is not what it was 30, 20 or even 10 years ago.  

I saw a perfect example of this first hand on the weekend when long time social and fiscal conservative Jason Kenney had his provincial party, the UCP(United Conservative Party) have a Pride breakfast and Kenney himself was present to show his full support.  This is because the homosexual community rejected their application to march in the Pride parade.  If you’re a conservative, why are you applying for this in the first place?  I remember a year ago sitting in a little church hall when Kenney was giving a speech about uniting the two right wing parties to ensure victory over the socialist NDP.  I sincerely regret volunteering to make this happen.

The conservative movement is a sham.  The real conservative movement began after the French Revolution with philosophers like Edmund Burke, Joseph de Maistre, Rene de Chateaubriand, Juan Donoso Cortes and others like them.  This modern conservative movement is no different than the mainline Protestant churches.  They keep adapting what they believe because they don’t want to become irrelevant.

As of today, I will no longer call myself a conservative.  I suppose that I’m still a conservative in the true sense.  I still admire the works of Edmund Burke, Joseph de Maistre and the others.  However, no self proclaiming conservative party on the planet is promoting their ideas any longer so I won’t confuse others by using that term.

I will no longer campaign for the UCP or the CPC(Conservative Party of Canada).  The most I will do is vote for them and I may not even do that.  Democracy is an extremely flawed anti-Christian system anyway.  I’ll most likely hand in a blank ballot or not even show up.

The only thing that I can fully trust is the Catholic faith.  That’s it.  The faith that opposed the Roman pagan death cult.  The faith that has been on the forefront of fighting Islam since it’s inception.  The faith that abolished idolatry and human sacrifice in the New World.  The faith that inspired Joseph de Maistre to write against the demonic French Revolution.

I was talking to a recently retired Member of Parliament who sat in the House of Commons for the CPC.  I told him that I was afraid of going into politics because it’s so easy to sell your soul.  He responded that it’s easy to sell your soul in any profession.  That’s very true.  However, I believe politics makes one especially vulnerable.  It’s all about popularity and if you’re not popular, you won’t get re-elected.

I’ve been reading the Old Testament a lot lately.  It’s quite painful to read about the horrific monarchs from the two books of Kings.  As bad as the monarchs were, they couldn’t change God’s commandments or the religion of the Mosaic Covenant.

Going forward, I no longer identify as a conservative.  What does that make me?  I don’t know.  I’m a Catholic and I believe in the rich tradition of Catholic social teaching and opposing the demonic ideas of the French Revolution.  That’s what I believe.  People can call it what they want.  I won’t betray my faith for a label.  I also won’t be applying for citizenship in the Republic of Sodom like the traitor Jason Kenney.


It is better to take refuge in the Lord
    than to put confidence in princes.

– Psalm 118:9

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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17 thoughts on “Jason Kenney vs Joseph de Maistre

  1. Allan,

    The party is there to serve the people. The leader is there to serve the people. The premier and the MLA has no power other than which we, the people, give to him.

    I understand that you are dissapointed. I think that it is possible that we may both find ourselves even more dissapointed very soon. I think that if you find the environment toxic and dangerous for you, you should remove yourself as you say that you are going to do.

    The retired MP you spoke to is not giving up. He sees the socon lobby groups that you also see making headway. We are not in to win the fight. The true fight has already been won. Victory is ours. We will not and can not hope for a perfect government in this fallen world. We can hope that we can have an effect on one person and then the next person.

    Wilberforce educates and popularizes good moral standards. Parents for Choice lobbies, organizes and brings to the attention of parents the much needed message that they really do have the right and responsability to take control of their children’s education or it will be taken from them.

    This is much needed work. Even as the world is going to hell in a handbasket we can strive to keep ourselves and those we can out.

    All activism must be accompanied by a life of prayer and prayerful resignation. I trust that you know yourself well enough to see that you may need to step back and reflect for a bit. But don’t give up the idea that you may have something to contribute. You can contact me offline, I just want your readers to see a different perspective.

    • Hi Maria,

      Thanks for sharing. I just get super angry at those who sell out. I have more respect for Notley than I do for Kenney. She promised socialism and depravity and she delivered. Jason Kenney betrayed his own people.

      You have more optimism than I do, but I’m done for politics. As the post says, I now reject the “conservative” label, not because I’ve changed views but because the politicians have. I will continue to fight in other ways such as volunteering, through this blog, and any other avenues that I can, but as for politics I’m done.

      Thanks for commenting and God Bless,


      • I am perhaps not as optimistic as you were when you started out. I am very new to political activism compared to you. I think my pessimism keeps me on an even keel! I don’t blame you for withdrawing. But never say never, that is all I ask.

        I have good people around me where I live and I have a good opportunity to learn about the proper way to do politics. So I will continue at the grass roots level.

      • Oh, I just read that tweet that you posted in this blog entry. I don’t know what I dislike more: homosexual politicians in a glass closet, or the fact that even straight people think that loving the sinner includes believing the lie that there is such a thing as respectability and the appearance of normalcy in the homosexual world.

        To tell you the truth, I still want to believe it. But the author of this article explains how he found otherwise. http://www.newoxfordreview.org/article.jsp?did=0206-lee

        I do not believe that his experience is isolated. There are too many who are now “coming out” of the homosexual world and cautioning us.

  2. Allan, (EDITED)

    The party is there to serve the people. The leader is there to serve the people. The premier and the MLA have no power other than that which we, the people, give to them.

    I understand that you are dissapointed, I am too. I think that it is possible that we may both find ourselves even more dissapointed very soon. I think that if you find the environment toxic and dangerous for you, you should remove yourself as you say that you are going to do.

    However give some consideration to the parameters of your retirement.

    The retired MP you spoke to is not giving up. He sees the socon lobby groups that you also see making headway. We are not in to win the fight. The true fight has already been won. Victory is ours. We will not and can not hope for a perfect government in this fallen world. We can hope that we can have an effect on one person and then the next person, one policy and then the next one! Incrementalism is the way to go.

    Wilberforce educates and popularizes basic good moral standards. Parents for Choice lobbies, organizes and brings to the attention of parents the much needed message that they really do have the right and responsability to take control of their children’s education or it will be taken from them.

    This is much needed work. Even as the world is going to hell in a handbasket we can strive to keep ourselves and those we can out.

    All activism must be accompanied by a life of prayer and prayerful resignation. I trust that you know yourself well enough to see that you may need to step back and reflect for a bit. But don’t give up the idea that you may have something to contribute. You can contact me offline, I just want your readers to see a different perspective.

  3. Perhaps you should consider calling yourself an integralist, where Church and State work together harmoniously for both the temporal AND the spiritual good of the people. It’s distinct from confessional monarchy because integralism can operate regardless of the form the government takes. However, the State would still be a confessional one. If confessional monarchy is your preferred system, that can operate under integralist principles. I think integralism transcends the current conservative/liberal political spectrum. As you know, the whole current political system falls under classical liberalism, and seems to refuse that anything outside that system exists as an option.

    • Hi Chris,

      Thanks for your input. I’m really not looking for a label right now. I just know what I’m not. I do believe that Church and State should work together. The Church must be the soul of the state and the state must assist the Church. This is how every traditional Christian society has been.

      God Bless,


  4. This is the struggle I’ve been having ever since I first got involved in politics 4 years ago. I’ve decided that, once I’ve finished trying to influence the UCP nominations in the Calgary area, I’m done with political activism for good. I’ll still vote for and donate to pro-life candidates, but that’ll be it. I’ve had enough with compromise, too.

  5. Allan,

    You’re a conservative if you think there is something that you wish to conserve.

    It is important to make the distinction between being a conservative with a small “c” and a Conservative with a big “C”. I am sure that you are the former and not the latter.


    • Hi Christopher,

      I suppose the only way to say it is that I’m a follower of the original true conservatives – Louis de Bonald, Rene de Chateaubriand, Joseph de Maistre, etc. I believe what they believed.

      God Bless,


  6. I heard somewhere that “A conservative is a liberal from 10 years ago”.

    Its not just the conservatives who are changing. The liberals are too.

    That is why the most liberal people from a decade ago would appear to current liberals as being outside their worldview. When today’s liberals consider the liberals of 2 decades back as being bigots they don’t realize that were it not for those liberals, society would not have reached the point where their version of liberalism is even palatable.

    From my own analysis of social trends I believe that the next generation of liberals will consider today’s liberals as being non-liberal.

    • Hi Fawaz,

      “I heard somewhere that “A conservative is a liberal from 10 years ago”.

      Its not just the conservatives who are changing. The liberals are too.”

      Very true. In 2005 in Canada when homosexual marriage passed the amount of conservatives who supported homosexual marriage one could count on one hand. The liberals had a strong minority in their party against it but the majority did vote for it. Now every liberal supports it and most conservatives. Less than 13 years ago!

      “When today’s liberals consider the liberals of 2 decades back as being bigots they don’t realize that were it not for those liberals, society would not have reached the point where their version of liberalism is even palatable.”

      It’s funny that you bring up two decades. It was the Democrats and Clinton who passed the defence of Marriage Act in 1996. Now every Democrat endorses homosexual marriage.

      Thanks again for commenting.

      God Bless,
