Finally Some Good News

There have been three pieces of good news recently and I couldn’t be happier.  The first one is when Dave Reilly(the man above) challenged American conservative Charlie Kirk on his endorsement and promotion of sodomy.  Turning Point USA is a conservative organization.  We religious people tend to think that conservatives are on our side or at least more favorable.  Dave Reilly shows that at least some of them are wolves in sheep’s clothing.  As Catholics it would be wrong to give any money to Turning Point USA.

I contacted Dave Reilly and he pointed out that we have had some prior email correspondence.  I looked at my email and he had been correct.  I’m hoping to interview Reilly on my YouTube channel but right now he has far bigger outlets interviewing him.

The second piece of good news is Fr. Robert Morey denying communion to the abortion promoting former Vice President of the United States Joe Biden.  Of course Fr. James Martin opposed this.  However, this is the man who gives communion to “LGBTQ families”, aka practicing homosexuals who adopt children.  I can only conclude that this practice is a huge form of child abuse.  Of course the apostate Michael Coren took the same stance and quoted Fr. Martin for support.  I’ve seen more Evangelicals standing with Fr. Robert Morey than non-Traditional Catholics have and that’s pretty sad.

The last piece of good news is that the man who chucked the Pachamama idols in the Tiber River has revealed himself.  His name is Alexander Tschuggel.  He lives in Austria and in a YouTube video he explains why he decided to throw these horribly disgusting fertility statues in the Tiber River.  He’s actually not Italian but from Vienna Austria.  As many people know, Austria is a land that is deeply in need of religious renewal.  It’s the land of bishop Erwin Krautler after all.

Tschuggel runs an organization called the St. Boniface Institute.  I’m going to follow the work of this man.  He’s a hero in my opinion.  Subscribe to his newsletter and follow him on YouTube.  Here is one of his videos.

I know that I initially said three, but there is actually one more piece of news that I want to share and that is Catholic journalist George Newmayr confronting Fr. James Martin at some homosexual event that he was hosting.  He wrote about this on Church Militant.

Martin refused to answer my simple question: Does he support the Church’s existing teaching on the sinfulness of homosexual acts or not? He instead tried to make me the issue, demanding to know if “I was a reporter” and whether I was going to report his remarks.

“Of course, I will,” I said. “Answer the question.” He wouldn’t. The crowd at that point booed me loudly and the event ended in an intolerant hiss.

Fr. Martin is a slippery guy.  I look forward to the day where he’s defrocked.  Fr. Martin specifically identified the bishops of Eastern Europe and Africa to be his main opposition.  Keep these bishops in your prayers.

Here’s the article:

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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17 thoughts on “Finally Some Good News

  1. The questioners at the Kirk event and what I’ve seen at the Matt Walsh event weren’t being brave or intelligent just scoring internet points. There are ways to show disagreements with someone or bring up hard questions without coming off as extremely rude or confrontational bringing up dumb conspiracy theories and youtube personalities. It’s all totally vain.

    • That “decorum” which you so bravely and valiantly defend is the exact same structure that allows them to spew their lies about gender ideology, sexuality and tradition, completely unopposed. For what? Fear of upsetting? Of being seen as uncouth? Or worse, being labelled as a conspiracy theorist? The horror! You’ll have to do better than that. Your shame tactics don’t work no more. Vain indeed.

      • Chill out phil. I dont think I’m brave or valiant for making a comment on a forum. There are just better and smart ways to ask questions. It literally is to just score internet points and most of the people who follow this kind of thing at least from what I’ve seen care more about edgy humor and making america more white than saving souls.

        • Really can’t help yourself, can you? Shame, shame, shame. I told you, those tactics are losing their effectiveness. Call these kids all you want. Call them racist, as you just transparently insinuated, call them homo-phobes or bigots. That’s your language and it isn’t working anymore. Nobody mentioned race but you. Fact is, they are moving the Overton window and introducing real conservatism into the “debate” and you sit there “pooh-poohing” for internet points.
          Tell me then – and only if you agree that this is an appropriate way to ask the question – how is it, do you think, that validating sodomy and full sexual license are helping us win the culture war? You think those are conservative values? You think we need more candidates who agree that the anus is a sexual organ? Laugh them off the stage like they deserve and say it with me “Get behind me, Satan”; I lead and you follow.

          • They explicitly talk about the changing demographics of the country from white to non white in their questioning to Kirk haha you obviously didn’t watch the full Q and A they had Patrick Casey there who as far as I know isn’t even Catholic he’s just a straight up white nationalist type. Also I frankly don’t see Kirk talk about homosexuality that often and I’ve never heard him say “hey guys the anus is a sexual organ just wanted to let you know”. They are obsessed with race go on their twitter profiles you just don’t see it I guess.

  2. It sounded from the tone that you may have had to wipe away a bit of spittle by the end of writing the piece. Its no wonder the non Roman Catholic population of the world looks at the institution with a mixture of revulsion, amusement and fear. The only salvation for human beings is found in this organisation ? Its just not possible. By the vaticans own estimates I understand, the priesthood is made up of over 50% practicing homosexuals. At least the church of england allows its priests to live with same sex couples as long as they promise to no engage in sex ( although that looks like a joke, it is not )

    • ” By the vaticans own estimates I understand, the priesthood is made up of over 50% practicing homosexuals.”

      I hear this a lot. Can you show me a source from the Vatican that says this.

  3. I like this approach by Dave Riley and it seems it should be catching on. You can’t reason with people that have accepted lies such as “the anus is a sex organ” so perhaps trying to undermine their truths through debate is not the correct way to do it. This culture “jamming” approach – mockery of their so-called truths – seems to be more effective since the lie’s effectiveness seems to be related to it’s continuous repetition, and not necessarily to our acceptance or belief of it. Mr. Riley didn’t seem to be seeking debate nor to have his question actually answered because he knows there is no answer to it. There is no truth underpinning the lie that sexual license is an valid end in and of itself. It is clear to all who are awake that repeating such lies is not done to convince, but to destabilise that silent majority that stands in the way of continual revolt and revolution. Chaos. (see Yuri Bezmenov)
    Riley’s approach seems to be effective in that it simply cancels out the signal and leaves the attacker, in this case the gay proxy warrior for the oligarch, hilariously scrambling to find anything in his arsenal of platitudes to counter the opposing jamming signal and to open up new lines of attack. Again opting for the the tired and vapid patriotism trope in the form of “this is the greatest freakin’ nation in the world, man!”. Because of sodomy, I guess?
    It’s so clear that without the lie, they are fully exposed. I also find it telling that, the best insult this guy can come up with is to insinuate that Riley is….you guessed it…a homosexual! Wait a minute, I thought you were proud of being gay but then you just insinuated…oh never mind. The shame is palpable. I love this exchange as it proves once again the best reaction to the devil and his minions is not fear or anger or violence, but ridicule. The devil hates to be mocked and the anus is not a sex organ.

      • Yeah, God went and hid the famous g-spot all the way up there, probably thinking the faeces alone would be deterrent enough.
        It’s a good thing he didn’t put it behind the eyes or you would have degenerates walking around with leaking holes in their foreheads. Way to miss the point though, kind of like that “natural order” thingy that just flew way over your head.

          • So low-effort. Is it any wonder the enemy always loses? A reprobate mind, trying to kindly offer clarification on the Bible. Why don’t you paste Romans 1:25-30 for us, satan? Laughable.

    • Leviticus 18 and 20.

      I would rather not respond to any posts of yours but this is a slam-dunk, that surely even you should be able to see.