Evil is Marketed with Acronyms

I’ve come to conclusion that acronyms are the best way to market evil.  Let’s start with Biblical textual criticism.  Both NT and OT liberal textual scholars like using acronyms and initials for invented documents that have never been found and to be honest, never will be.

In the Old Testament who can forget the infamous JEPD theory of the Torah.  A set of sources that have never been found but unfortunately still hold sway in liberal Academia.  Shabir Ally recently used them in a scorched Earth manner in a debate with William Abrecht on the Trinity.  Heck, if you don’t want to deal with the Torah received from Sinai and which is approved by Jesus Christ in the Quran, just say it’s unreliable and throw out the Acronym of death; JEPD.  That way you don’t have to deal with the theophanies.

In the New Testament it’s a bit different.  They don’t have an acronym but initials for their fake documents which hold sway over our written documents.  The most popular is the infamous Q.  No one has ever found the document Q but we still pretend that it has credibility.  Then there are L and M which are less authoritative than Q but equally bogus.

In the secular world you have the infamous LGBTQ nonsense.  When the next round of degeneracy comes they’ll just slap a new letter on the end of that one.  Let’s also not forget everyones new favourite song WAP.  Google this acronym at your own risk.  There’s a reason that they use WAP and not the actual title.

Why do they do this?  Because no one thinks of acronyms.  If I said “homosexual pornography” everyone would get disgusted.  If I said HP people would soon forget the words and say that it reminds them of the sauce.

Acronyms make us lazy.  Think of NASA.  We all know it’s the American space organization but can we actually put words to the letters?  I bet that 90% of Americans couldn’t name the words.  Why?  Because you don’t think of them; you’d have to guess.  Most people would assume that S stands for Space and that’s it.

Whenever you see an acronym, especially from a secular leftist, know that there is probably an evil idea being marketed.  Whether it’s liberal academics destroying the faith of Christians with their fake documents or Cardi B trying to explicitly promote degeneracy, evil is promoted.  Don’t be fooled.  When they lack words and present letters, know that trouble is almost certainly coming.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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