Dennis Prager Endorses Homosexuality

If you listen to the above video clip starting at 26:17 and listen for about 45 seconds, you’ll find out why the entire ensemble of western nations has completely collapsed on this issue.  In this small portion, Prager mentioned that he has a homosexual on the board of directors for Prager University.  He then said that he and his wife were godparents to the children of a homosexual couple.

First of all, I didn’t even know that Jews did the whole godparent thing.  A quick search on shows that it’s not a Jewish thing.  The website writes:

There is no such concept in Judaism. A child’s parents are directly responsible for his or her spiritual education. The education of their child is their privilege and obligation. Just like a parent is responsible for the child’s physical well-being—shelter, food, clothing—so is the parent responsible for the child’s spiritual education.

If there are no godparents in Judaism, why is Prager doing it?  At this point, Prager’s religion seems to be more gnostic than Abrahamic.  This probably has to do with his direct endorsement of homosexuality.  Sure, he claims not to support homosexual marriage but does it really matter at this point?  I also think that Prager will eventually come out and endorse it.

What is my attitude toward homosexuals?  Would I be friends with one?  Would I have one in my life?

First of all, not all homosexuals are alike.  A couple years ago a friend of mine told me that he was a homosexual.  He then told me that he agrees with the catechism in paragraph 2358 which says that the homosexual inclination is objectively disordered.  He also said that he’s never going to act on this inclination.  Because of his courage and willpower I’am still friends with this person today.  I wish him the best of luck conquering his inclinations.

I don’t want to judge people for their inclinations.  Many people are inclined towards different sins.  Some have the desire towards people of the same sex, but people struggle with other things like alcohol, pornography, drugs, etc.  I don’t judge anyone for these feelings.  I leave that up to God.

Now, would I be friends with an active homosexual?  Meaning, a homosexual who is in a same sex relationship or actively seeking one.  Absolutely not.  There is a big difference between someone who fights their sin and one who indulges in it.  One could reasonably ask if I’d be friends with a drug dealer and the answer would be a firm no.  He’s openly promoting vice.

Do you think I’m being too harsh?  I think that its important to surround oneself with people with similar views.  We’re obviously going to run into people engaged in or promoting depravity in life and in that case, we show compassion but we stay firm.  We tell them the truth.  What we don’t do is become the godparents to the children of a homosexual couple.  We don’t utterly collapse on the issues like Prager.  I think that the reason that the West has collapsed on this issue is because of people like Prager and religious people who didn’t speak up when we should have.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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4 thoughts on “Dennis Prager Endorses Homosexuality

  1. No, you’ve got to do what you think is right lad.

    Prager has collapsed on the issue. In fact his statement seems to be at odds with his overall attitude. No one is perfect.

      • He is not someone I know anything about other than what was in the video you posted. I suppose he is something to do with PragerU, which appears to be a welcome corrective to a lot of the PC stuff that is about these days.

        • I used to listen to his radio show daily from 2008 to 2014. In a way I feel betrayed but he was promoting the same stuff then. Yes, he started PragerU.