Nasty Internet Stuff

St. Thomas More

I sometimes think that the internet brings out the worst in people.  Lately all over the internet and social media, I’ve been seeing a lot of nasty religious arguments.  I’m not against arguing at all as that is the goal of this blog.  I’m against being nasty, especially being nasty all the time.  I don’t want to name names or groups but here is my take on it.

Out of Egypt I Called My Son

The Exodus

And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.”

– Matthew 2:15

Jesus Christ was in Egypt with the holy family.  Herod dies then He goes back to the holy land then we see this verse.  What a wonderful fulfillment, right?

A Formula For Islamic Apologetics

Two nights ago Jeff Kran did a live stream and I thought up a formula.  I actually thought up a formula for Islamic apologetics.  My degree is in Engineering.  Spending four years on that degree exposed me hundreds of formulas.  I remember one time when I was in second year doing an assignment with my friend, a friend of mine in fourth year came over and told me a dirty little secret.  He mentioned that every single formula learned in an engineering textbook has a computer program that can calculate it for you.  Of course they don’t tell you this in these classes.

Dennis Prager is Pro-Choice

From about 2008 to 2014 I was the ultimate Dennis Prager fan.  I had read his first five books and listened to all three hours of his radio show every day for years.  A while ago I posted a video by Theodore Shoebat where he compiles a bunch of pro-homosexuality statements by Prager while he was being interviewed by homosexual Dave Rubin.

John 20:17 Refutes Modalism, Not Trinitarianism

Enemies of the holy Trinity, mainly Muslims, have employed John 20:17 in their attempted refutation of the Trinity.  What does John 20:17 really say?  Here is the verse:

Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”

The Judas Doll in Poland

As everyone knows I was in Europe in the summer and spent two days in Poland.  Poland is known to be a very Christian country.  I found out recently that Poland has officially declared that Jesus Christ is their king.  I later found out that the part of the country that I was in was the most religious area.  I do have to admit, I was impressed.

St. Cyril of Jerusalem and Muhammad’s Trinity Blunder

St. Cyril of Jerusalem

I have often spoken about Muhammad’s Trinity blunder in Surah 5.  In this surah in verses 73, 75, and 116 we see that Muhammad thought that the Trinity was Allah, Jesus and Mary instead of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Benedict the Abdicator and Homosexual Clergy

Ex-Pope Benedict

A couple of days ago, former Pope Benedict XVI came out with an essay on the crisis of clerical abuse in the Church.  It makes one wonder why he’s doing this as an ex-Pope and not when he actually was one.  The essay can be found here:

The Islamic Love-Hate Relationship With Isnad Chains

A Shia let me look at her book

What do I think of Isnad chains?  Well, to be honest I don’t know.  In the late ninth century scholars like Bukhari were finally coming into an Islamic age of literacy.  It was now time to put the traditions of Muhammad to paper(or vellum).  Bukhari and others then went around the Muslim world collecting sayings of Muhammad and his companions.