Every year in October, we tend to hear a bit about Martin Luther. After all, when he nailed his 95 Theses to the Castle Church in Wittenberg Germany, it was October 31st. October 31, 1517 is traditionally referred to as the beginning of the Protestant “Reformation”. The reason why I put the word in quotation marks is because it is a mockery of the term. True Church reformers are St. Francis of Assisi, St. Catherine of Sienna and Pope Gregory VII. They actually made reforms in the Church and hence are far more worthy of the title than Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Tyndale, Henry VIII or Servetus. Whether you support these men or not, I think we can all agree that it wasn’t a reformation.
Category Archives: Modernism
A Challenge to Islamic Apologists

The Hagia Sophia
A Christian Church turned into a Mosque by Muslims, then turned into a Museum by Masons.
Muslims and Christians both believe in Jesus Christ. We both believe He is the Messiah and born of the Virgin Mary. The two biggest differences are his divinity and the crucifixion. Muslims claim that he didn’t die based on the Quran.
Fake Christian Education
Very few people get a proper Christian education these days in the West. Growing up as a Catholic, I went to a Catholic School but let’s be honest, apart from a morning prayer and some religious celebrations where the students used it as an opportunity to clown around, it wasn’t Catholic at all.
Mirari Vos, Priestly Celibacy and the Indissolubility of Marriage
In the days long before the liberalism of modern Popes, we had the amazing Pope Gregory XVI who reigned as Pope from 1831 to 1846. He firmly believed in Christian doctrine and did not care what other people thought. This is best expressed in his great encyclical Mirari Vos, which was published in 1832.
Responding To The Dividing Line
Dr. White responded to my post about him last week. I’ve linked to the Dividing Line above and the relevant portion starts at 13:00 and goes for over an hour. I can’t respond to everything since I don’t want to be writing on this topic for a month but I’ll respond to some things.
A Pro-Life Testimony
I have been involved in the Pro-Life movement for a long time. It’s been a passion of mine through the years. The group I’m involved with is very controversial because we use graphic images to show what abortion is.
We often engage in something called “Choice Chain” which is where several of us hold large photos of aborted fetuses with “Choice?” written above the picture. Some of us hold signs that say “Life” and they show a living fetus below. We engage passers by on the subject of abortion and hand out pamphlets. Some people ignore us, some people scream at us, some swear at us, and some engage us in a pleasant dialogue.
The Day Of The King
What makes a country a Christian Nation? In most Western countries about 80% of people are baptized and traditional Christian holidays are celebrated. December 25 is a day off in most Western countries. Also, if we drive through towns and cities we see Churches everywhere. Are we a Christian nation? The answer is no.
France And Islam
Quoting Liberals In Debate
Two Protestant apologists have been commenting on my page recently. They are Sam Shamoun and Ken Temple. I just want to say to the two of you that I deeply respect your intellect and am happy that you read this blog. I’m also thankful for the website answering-islam.org. I make use of the website quite often.
Some Reflections On Spotlight
On February 28, 2016 I was in my hometown at my parents house and watching the Oscars. At the very end of course is Best Picture. It happened to be Spotlight, a film that chronicles a team of Journalists exposing the ecclesial cover up of priests who had been abusing, molesting, and raping children.