A Pro-Life Testimony

Choice Chain

Choice Chain

I have been involved in the Pro-Life movement for a long time. It’s been a passion of mine through the years. The group I’m involved with is very controversial because we use graphic images to show what abortion is.

We often engage in something called “Choice Chain” which is where several of us hold large photos of aborted fetuses with “Choice?” written above the picture. Some of us hold signs that say “Life” and they show a living fetus below. We engage passers by on the subject of abortion and hand out pamphlets. Some people ignore us, some people scream at us, some swear at us, and some engage us in a pleasant dialogue.

On a hot summer day two years ago, I was downtown doing “Choice Chain” on a very busy street. I was holding a “Life” sign with a live fetus on it. I didn’t get much interaction that day. We probably had about twenty minutes to go when I had a conversation I’d never forget.

A man came up to me. He had a thick accent so he was most likely a foreigner. He then told me that he liked my picture. He said that when he first moved to Canada over twenty years ago, he and his wife were faced with an unplanned pregnancy. They were new to Canada and it’s culture and didn’t have a lot of money. They were heavily considering the option of abortion. He then told me that his boss at work managed to talk him out of it so they had the baby.

He didn’t regret his decision at all. He then told me that his daughter was going to start Medical School in September. This was the same daughter that was almost aborted over twenty years earlier. He thanked me for what I was doing then asked if he could take a picture of the large photo I was holding. I told him that he could and he did.

I never saw this man again but his story has really stuck with me. In terms of worldly thinking, this man had every reason to get an abortion but his boss had talked him out of it and now his daughter was on her way to becoming a doctor. If it weren’t for his boss and he and his wife making the decision to keep the baby, their daughter would have just been part of the statistic.

At the same time, I know not every fetus is as lucky as this one. Some parents don’t choose life and have the pregnancy terminated. They never see the light of day. Stories like this give me the motivation to fight on. Every Christian and moral secularist should be involved in the Pro-Life movement. The more people we have, the more information we can spread and the more lives we can save.

For thou didst form my inward parts,

thou didst knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise thee, for thou art fearful and wonderful.

Wonderful are thy works!

Thou knowest me right well;

-Psalm 139:13-14

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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