We all know that the left hates all religion. We know that they hate Christianity more than any other religion but they hate other religions as well. However, they do have a use for them. They don’t want them gone; at least not yet. They have a role to play in the leftist war on our Lord Jesus Christ.
Category Archives: Heresy
Is Muhammad in Haggai 2?
An Eastern Orthodox reader of this blog recently posted the following in the comments section on one of my previous posts:
I was recently discussing with a muslim gentleman on twitter, and he constantly stated that Mohammed was mentioned in the Book of the Prophet Haggai, specifically Chapter 2 verse 7. Have you come across this further example of rather peculiar Islamic exegesis?
Why No One Wants James Martin’s Garbage
Book Review: James Martin: In the Company of Jesus by Jon M. Sweeney
Yes I know I am a snob but I am a missionary so I am allowed a few vices.
– Fr. James Martin
James White and the Early Christian View of the Eucharist
There is a clip going around of the well known Evangelical Francis Chan saying that for the first 1,500 years of the Church, the unanimous belief was that the Eucharist was the body and blood of Jesus Christ. I want to say that I don’t agree that it was unanimous. It was about 95% but still a strong majority. When Protestants start to read the Church Fathers their jaw drops at the early view of the Eucharist. They clearly viewed it as the body and blood of Christ and Francis Chan sees that.
Michael Coren’s God
Believe it or not, I don’t like writing about Michael Coren. I’d rather be talking about something else but he’s the gift who keeps on giving. On and on he goes. He loves to wear his clerical collar and boy does he look smugger than ever. He was “ordained” by a lady named Susan Bell. Susan Bell is a member of the Anglican Church of Canada who calls herself a bishop. There is no such thing as a female bishop. Her ordination is just as bogus as the one she gave to Coren.
Coren, Ashenden, England, and France
About a month or two ago, the former Catholic Michael Coren received ordination as a “deacon” in the Anglican Church. He loves to wear his clerical collar and simply can’t stop talking about it. On the other hand, the Queen’s former chaplain Gavin Ashenden is being received into the Catholic Church on the fourth Sunday of Advent. The Anglican Church got Michael Coren and the Catholic Church got Gavin Ashenden. I’d say that the Catholics won this swap hands down.
“Born Again” Experiences
I research a lot of Jewish apologetics so I usually watch whatever Jews for Judaism puts out. A man who does videos for them recently put out a video of his conversion testimony which you can see above. In the above video at 7:40 he talks about going from Catholic to Evangelical and having a “born again” experience. He essentially describes it as an indescribable feeling.
Interview With Stefanie Nicholas
On October 31, 2019 I had a conversation with my friend Stefanie Nicholas. She became a Catholic in 2018 and has quite a testimony. I didn’t want to focus on her conversion story as it was recently made available at the Fatima Conference so people can watch it on their YouTube Channel.
Debunking Spanish Inquisition Myths For Vocab Malone
Last night I happened to catch the end of a livestream by Vocab Malone. It was on the Protestant reformation but he dabbled in the Inquisition as well. I want to clear up some inquisition myths. I love Vocab Malone’s work but I don’t think that he understands the Inquisition, particularly the Spanish Inquisition. Here’s the story of the Spanish Inquisition.