James White is an inconsistent apologist. He is more than happy to point out how Islamic apologists like Shabir Ally use double standards to attack the Christian faith but when it comes to attacking Catholicism, he throws those standards out the window.
Category Archives: Apologetics
Islamic Apologetics And The Majority of Scholars
According to the majority of scholars….The majority of scholars say…..Most scholars have concluded….
Ever heard these lines before when dealing with Islamic apologists? I certainly have. To Islamic apologists, this argument carries a lot of weight. However, they’ll only pull out the “majority of scholars” when it backs up their position. Since I have written on this inconsistency in the past, I won’t repeat it here. I want to touch on how to confront these arguments head on.
Rabbi Buchwald And The Saints Of The Church
A Question For Rabbi Skobac Regarding Christianity And The Holocaust
Rabbi Michael Skobac is a Jewish apologist involved with an organization called Jews For Judaism. His organization specifically argues against groups like Jews For Jesus and similar groups. For this I can’t really blame him since those groups often use dishonest tactics that bring their ethics and integrity into question. I should also point out that Rabbi Skobac seems like a very kind individual whom I could see myself having a meal with or maybe watching a Blue Jays game.
An Update On My Blog
The Case For Jesus By Brant Pitre
A Review
Good Friday, Islam, And Liberal Scholarship
Specifically Addressed To Dr. Shabir Ally, Adnan Rashid, And Paul Williams
In my last few posts, I have dealt with the subject of Islam. It’s an important topic because they’re over a billion strong and becoming more prevalent in western society. I don’t critique their faith out of hate but out of love for them. They need the gospel just like everyone else.
Two Major Errors In The Quran
Dr. James White And The Development of Doctrine
Inconsistency Is The Sign Of A Failed Argument
If you were a Catholic living in the year 120 AD, would you know as much as you do today about the faith? Absolutely not! So then does the Church change her doctine? Absolutely not!
Then why does Catholicism in 120 AD look different than 2016 AD. It is because doctrine develops but it does not change.