Islam – The Religion of Muhammad, Jesus, Moses and….Who?

Muslims in the West like to talk about Islam as the religion of all of the Prophets of God.  They don’t believe that Islam started in the 7th century.  That was simply the ummah of Muhammad.  Islam is the oldest religion on the planet and it was adhered to by Adam, Noah, and essentially every righteous figure that Muslims read about in the Old Testament and then of course John the Baptist, Mary, and Jesus in the New Testament.

James White, JW Dialogue, and Muslim Dialogue

I once saw a video with James White on ABN.  He was supposed to be talking about Islam but he ventured a little off topic to make a point.  He spoke of his ministry to Jehovah’s Witnesses and how he uses a certain tactic.  White has two main proof texts that he uses in his dialogue with them.  He explains that after the first one is used, there will be a pause as the JW will not have an answer.  At this point it’s fun to gloat but it’s imprudent.  The correct approach is to tell them to think about it for a bit then ask to show them another one.  Dr. White says that they always allow it.  From my street corner dialogues, I would say that I have a similar experience.  Dr. White is correct on that one.

Attorney General Josh Shapiro Responded to Me About the 2 Indictments

For the last few days I’ve been commenting frequently on Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s Tweets.  I’m asking simply why there were only two indictments.  Something few in the media are actually saying.  They just scream “300 priests” when they’ve probably never even gone through the report.  I haven’t gone through the entire thing(it’s over 1300 pages!) but I’ve read large sections of it.  I’ve probably read half of it and I’ll need a very large coffee to read the other half.

Analyzing an Awkward Truth

My recent trip to Ukraine was interesting.  One thing that I found interesting was how anti-Russian the Ukrainians were.  Aren’t they brother and sister?  Well, yes they are though to Ukraine’s defense the big brother has often acted horribly toward its younger sibling.  Anti-Russian, anti-communist and anti-Stalin sentiment is at least understandable from a Ukrainian point of view.  What is not understandable was their sympathy for the Nazi Third Reich.  I found a very “If only” attitude toward Hitler and the Nazis regarding the outcome of the second World War.  According to a Ukrainian friend of mine, this new mindset has emerged only after the “Revolution of Dignity” in 2014.

Michael Coren, How Many Priests Were Actually Indicted in the Grand Jury Report?

Several years ago when Michael Coren left the Catholic Church to become an Anglican for collapsing on the issue of sodomy, he would talk about how he still respected the Catholic Church but had almost lost his faith so he had to become and Anglican.  At times he actually said he was still a Catholic but worshipped in the Anglican communion.  I actually believed that he still respected the Church.  Shame on me.

David Kertzer, Anti-Judaism, and Anti-Semitism

As someone who studies Church history, the name David Kertzer has come up frequently.  He’s a Jewish historian who writes about Jewish relations with the Catholic Church.  The time period he mostly covers is from the fall of Napoleon to the Second World War.  I used to think that he was of bad motive.  Some Jews talk about Church history as solely a way for bashing the Church while completely ignoring the facts.  Rabbi Tovia Singer comes to mind in this regard.  I used to think that Kertzer was like this but I now no longer believer that he is.

Eusebius of Caesarea Challenges the Liberal View of Pauline Authorship

Eusebius of Caesarea

One witness to affirming Pauline authorship of the six disputed epistles is the early Church historian Eusebius of Caesarea.  Eusebius wrote a history of the early church from the time of Christ to just before the Council of Nicaea.  He’s a good witness to the fact that early Church fathers thought critically and weren’t a bunch of ignorant fundamentalists like modern liberals seem to think.