Refuting Faiz on the “Missing Books” in the Bible

The first time I encountered Faiz online I thought he was an atheist.  This is because of the double standards that he uses.  For example, he keeps saying that we have no first century manuscripts of the NT.  He’s correct, we don’t.  No first century book or document has first century manuscripts.

The Greek Literate Tradition in East and West Contra Islam

My Icon of St. Clement of Rome purchased at Kiev Perchersk Lavra

In my last post I talked about how Christianity was born in the Greek literate tradition and was able to record the beliefs of the earliest Christians in their sacred texts known as the New Testament.  At the same time I contrasted this with Islam which with minimal exceptions has no documents until the 9th century.  At this point the Muslims probably realized that they couldn’t compete with a literate tradition in the long run.  Either that or some of the literate tradition of the areas that they conquered started to rub off on them.  After all, just because they didn’t accept the Christian religion in areas they were occupying, it doesn’t mean that they didn’t accept other cultural practices and customs and wouldn’t contradict Islam.

Refuting Faiz on Surah 61:6

St. John the Baptist

Faiz responded to an article I wrote a while back saying that Muslims and can learn from Archbishop Vigano.  He said a few things so I will have a few posts to respond to him.  They probably won’t be consecutive but I will respond.  I will probably write three or four in total so here’s the first.

Did a Christian Missionary Really Bring Rob Walker of Hasbara Fellowships Back to Judaism?

I’ve criticized Jews for Judaism in the past for not really producing any new material.  They seem to get volunteers and members of their community to simply repeat talking points while living off donations from Jews who don’t realize this or know any better.

Refuting Gary Matson on Joseph of Arimathea

There’s a fellow named Gary Matson who runs a website.  I’ve been reading this website for a while but have refrained from referencing it by name.  He’s an ex-Lutheran turned agnostic who now possesses extreme hostility to the Christian faith.  In a previous post, he said the following:

James White and Michael Brown Debate Two Homosexuals

I just watched a completely horrible debate on homosexuality.  On one side was James White and Michael Brown who are both skilled debaters and have published on the topic.  The other debaters were two liberal Protestant pastors named Pastor Deweyne Robinson and Rev. Ruth Jensen-Forbell.  I have never heard of either of them before and I don’t expect to see them again.

What Muslims and Christine Blasey Ford Can Learn From Archbishop Vigano

As everyone knows the Kavanaugh hearings are all over the news.  The big controversy is that three women have accused Kavanaugh of illegal sexual acts.  The most prominent of these is Christine Blasey Ford who accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault.  She said the following:

The Three Worst Arguments For Islam

In my years of dealing with Islam, I’ve heard a lot of arguments for their faith.  I haven’t been convinced by any of them and that is the reason that I’m not a Muslim.  However, there is certainly a hierarchy in their arguments as some are better than others.

I’m going to list what I think are the three worst arguments for Islam.  I should point out that I will only list arguments that are widely used by apologists.  I’ve heard other bad ones but they’ve only been used by either a single apologist or YouTuber so I won’t list them here.

China Defeats the Pope! Imagine if Henry IV Were Alive Today!

October 9, 1958 was a very sad day for the Catholic Church.  It was the day that Pope Pius XII died.  Toward the end of October 1958, Pope John XXIII was elected and things have only gone downhill from there in terms of the Papacy.  Whoever thought that communism ended in 1991 wasn’t paying attention as over a billion Chinese citizens are still subject to it.