We’ve all heard Muslims try to find Muhammad in the Bible. They commonly use the Prophet like Moses in Deuteronomy 18 and the Paraclete of John’s Gospel; and let’s not forget my favorite prophecy of Muhammad, the Muhammadim in the Song of Solomon. I think a better way to challenge them would be to ask where they find Mecca in the Bible.
Category Archives: Apologetics
The Burning Bush: How the Torah, the New Testament and the Quran Refute Unitarianism
One episode that is covered in both testaments of the Bible is that of Moses and the burning bush. Ironically it appears in the Quran as well. We can draw some interesting conclusions when we read all three of these passages. Let us start with the Torah since Jews, Christians, and Muslims accept it as scripture.
Martin Luther and the Medieval Church
I come from a German family. The main religion of the German people is Lutheranism and that is what my family is. Both of my grandparents died as practicing Lutherans. Although I inherited the Catholicism of my Ukrainian mother, I grew up around Lutheranism.
Literacy in Early Islam
Mohammed Hijab Actually Being Consistent
I have long come to the conclusion that Muslim apologists cannot be consistent. They’ll quote a verse from the Gospel of John to support Muhammad being a prophet but when that same Gospel is quoted back at them to prove a Christian doctrine, it suddenly becomes “late and unreliable”. One ambiguous verse in Hebrews is quoted while the rest of the book is ignored. It’s worthless in their eyes. Countless other examples could be given.
The Worst Apologetics Book Ever Written: Truth Revealed
Three Problems With Surah 5
If I were to encourage Christians to read one Surah of the Quran, I would suggest Surah 5. It’s one of the last chapters revealed and really does damage to Islam. If Muhammad had died a few years earlier before Surah 5 was “revealed” then it would have saved Islam a lot of trouble. I’m going to point out the three most damaging things to Islam in this Surah. There are more! Surah 5 is certainly a bag of goodies, but here are the top 3.
Does John 17:3 Refute the Deity of Christ? Spoiler – Nope!
If one watches a lot of debates between Christian and Muslim apologists, John 17:3 gets thrown around a lot. It supposedly refutes the deity of Christ. An interesting observation about this is that if you look at debates from ten years ago, this verse doesn’t seem to be quoted. John 14:28 seemed to be more popular but it doesn’t get quoted that much anymore. It’s almost as if John 17:3 and John 14:28 swapped places in terms of importance to Muslim apologists. I wrote about John 14:28 a while back so now I’ll tackle John 17:3.
Which Injeel is Spoken of in Surah 5:68?
Muslims seem to have a love-hate relationship with the previous revelations of God. The Quran on the other hand loves the previous scriptures and encourages the Christians and Jews of the day to follow them. This is a large amount of evidence in favour of my theory that the religion of the Quran and Islam are two different religions.
The Quran Doesn’t Care About Tawheed
Before Christmas I wrote a post about Surah 2:62 and Surah 3:85 and how they contradict each other. I invited Muslims to harmonize these passages. Luckily I was able to find the work of elite Islamic apologist Yusha Evans. He explains how these verses are reconciled in the above video.