Remember not that long ago when Notre Dame caught fire? Some Muslims were saying that the evil crusaders prayed there before they went to kill a bunch of innocent Muslims. I thought about this very hard. Which crusade? During the first two crusades, Notre Dame didn’t exist. During the later crusades it was under construction so I didn’t know how true this statement was. Did they pray at the church that was under construction? I hate vague accusations. Michael Brown tried to do this with me during the fall of 2017. I should also point out that if buildings become worthless because bad people prayed there, then half the religious structures in the Christian or Islamic world probably shouldn’t exist. Some bad people prayed at this church so it deserves to be burned down? Talk about a lack of logic.
Category Archives: Apologetics
Three Strikes on Adnan Rashid – Yer Gone!!!
Muhammad and the Famous Cardinal Newman Quote
The famous Anglican convert to Catholicism, John Henry Newman once said: To be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant. What I’ve always wondered is why he said this as an anti-Protestant and not a pro-Catholic statement. I even heard an Eastern Orthodox apologist use this quote which I suppose one can because Orthodoxy isn’t Protestantism and some Protestants who study church history actually do convert to the Orthodox Church.
Dr. E. Michael Jones and the Rise of Logos
I’ve been a great admirer of E. Michael Jones for many years. I think he’s the smartest American alive today. He’s often the object of discussion after mass when we’re in the hall drinking coffee. When the latest edition of Culture Wars comes out there are always interesting discussions.
What Adnan Rashid Needs to Know About the Trinity
The Trinity occupied a large part of the recent debate between James White and Adnan Rashid. At about the four minute mark of the above video, Rashid is talking about the Trinity. He mentions that it took 400 years to clearly define the doctrine. He’s correct, it did. He then says that this is a huge problem. It’s actually not a problem at all. I’m going to give Adnan Rashid a lesson in Church history on how doctrines are defined using other examples.
Adnan Rashid’s Sleight of Hand
There was a recent debate between Adnan Rashid and James White on who resembles Jesus more, Christians or Muslims. It’s a bit of an odd topic and to be honest I didn’t like the debate. It was two ships passing in the night, and I don’t really blame them since it was such a vague but esoteric topic.
Book Review: From Islam to Christ by Derya Little
Tawheed and Mutah in Asia Minor
Most Muslim apologists will take the Ehrman approach to the writings of the New Testament. Because of the influence of Ehrman and others, Muslims will say that St. Paul only wrote half of what is attributed to him. Now, Muslims won’t take the content of these seven letters to heart. St. Paul is an arch-heretic to them as he destroyed the Islamic religion of Jesus Christ and the apostles.
How Muslims Neutralize Ehrman on the Crucifixion
When I first started to get into Islamic apologetics, Bart Ehrman was the big name. Muslims weren’t going to pick up the Bible to read. Why read the supposedly corrupted Bible when you can just as easily read the scholar who shows that it is corrupt. That is of course, Bart Ehrman.
Jewish Oral Torah vs. Islamic Hajj
It’s a bit annoying that Jews and Muslims don’t debate each other on religion. Christians debate Muslims. Christians debate Jews. Jews don’t debate Muslims. The most that I’ve seen is Zakir Hussain dialoguing with some Jew at Speakers Corner on whether or not Muhammad is the prophet in Deuteronomy 18. Apart from this, the only debate between Jews and Muslims that seems to happen revolves around the legitimacy of the state of Israel; a debate that I have absolutely no interest in.