I’ve got to give credit to Brigham Young University. They have a good Arabic program and from this program they have something called the Islamic Translation Series. Medieval Islamic Arabic works are translated into English. The publication produces a parallel Arabic text and much commentary. It’s actually a very well done set of books. I certainly plan on buying more though they’re not the cheapest books around.
Category Archives: Apologetics
Refuting Atheist Rachel Oates on Life from Non-Life
In my apologetics on this blog, the main thing that I deal with is Islam. I deal with a few other topics as well such as cultural issues, abortion, church politics, etc. I’ve tended to stay away from Creation vs. Evolution debate because that’s not a main focus of mine. This doesn’t mean that I’m unfamiliar with the debate. A lot of people I know who do apologetics specialize in this area so its a debate that I’m around, even if I’m not directly involved. I’m actually quite well read on this topic and have studied it for quite a while. In fact I’ve probably read more of Charles Darwin than 99.9% of atheists, including biology majors.
The Vanishing Martin Luther
Reflections on July 4! – I Finally Saw it For Myself!
Great Falls Montana is only a short drive from my city in Canada. I can be there in a few hours. I drove down there the morning of the fourth and happened to see more fireworks than I have in my life a hundred times over. I was thoroughly impressed. American patriotism is something that I’ve never seen rivaled.
Muhammad vs. The Romans
After Mecca had fallen to the Muslims, Allah “revealed” Surah 9:29 to Muhammad. What does Muhammad do at this point? He rallies 30,000 men and marches them north of Medina to Tabuk in an attempt to engage the Romans. The Romans didn’t send an army to engage Muhammad. According to Ibn Kathir, they stayed there 20 days then went back to Medina. Ibn Kathir actually has a good summary of his events in his section on Surah 9:29.
Dennis Prager is Pro-Choice
From about 2008 to 2014 I was the ultimate Dennis Prager fan. I had read his first five books and listened to all three hours of his radio show every day for years. A while ago I posted a video by Theodore Shoebat where he compiles a bunch of pro-homosexuality statements by Prager while he was being interviewed by homosexual Dave Rubin.
The Wrong Muslim Apologists
This weekend I was doing a lot of reading and I realized something discouraging. It’s not enough to make me give up, if anything I’m going to try that much harder. Any Christian apologist who deals with Islam knows that Islamic apologetics is essentially using double standards which include quoting liberals ad nauseam. The Gospel of John becomes either super useful or super corrupted depending on what topic you’re trying to argue.
Muhammad vs. Manes
Like the rest of the Bible, Muslims have a rocky relationship with the Gospel of John. If a verse from John supports a Christian doctrine, it’s worthless. If it supports an Islamic teaching, then it becomes super reliable. Imagine going up to someone saying that half the Bible supports my religion.
Paul Williams and Zakir Hussain Exposed
Tales From Trinity Sunday
I want to share a little story about what happened to me yesterday on Trinity Sunday. I’m sure it’s the most loathed day in the Christian liturgical calendar for Muslims. After all, the Trinity is probably the top thing that they object to among Christian doctrine. The other is the preservation of the Quran vs. the supposed non-preservation of the Bible.