Book Review: Infiltration by Taylor Marshall

Most members of the Church know that many things are wrong in the Catholic Church.  For most of the Church’s history, her enemies have been on the outside.  Now they’re on the inside and Taylor Marshall exposes this in his new book Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within.  The Forward is done by Bishop Athanasius Schneider.  He writes: Taylor Marshall touches on a topic that is deliberately ignored today.  The issue of a possible infiltration of the Church by forces outside her does not fit into the optimistic picture that Pope John XXIII and particularly the Second Vatican Council unrealistically and uncritically drew of the modern world.

Dr. Marshall starts by talking about the Alta Vendita, which is a Freemasonic document which includes a plan to infiltrate the Church.  He even provides a full English translation in the Appendix.  He chronicles the rise of modernism and eventually the fall of the Papal States in 1870.  Every papal conclave in the last century is covered in detail, including the mysterious conclave of 1958.  The questionable death of John Paul I and the corruption of the Vatican Bank are covered as well.

Now, I can understand why the Alta Vendita, Vatican II, and even the mysterious death of Pope John Paul I are of little interest to people.  All of these events happened a long time ago and they don’t directly affect us.  Although the Alta Vendita isn’t publicly known, Vatican II and John Paul I are.  However, these things happened a long time ago so juicy events surrounding these events are of little relevance today.

However, toward the end of the book, Marshall delves into the Sankt Gallen mafia and this is where things get interesting.  They’re a group that is currently active and has been active for almost 100 years.  They’ve tried to fix the last two papal conclaves.  They tried to promote ultra-liberal Cardinal Martini to the chair of Peter.  In case you don’t know about Martini, he was so liberal that he made Pope Francis look like Pius IX.

The most interesting thing about this group is the involvement of disgraced ex-Cardinal, homosexual, pedophile, and rapist Ted McCarrick.  Marshall shows that McCarrick vanished between 1946 and 1947.  Marshall gives concrete evidence to show that McCarrick was in Switzerland, which is where the city of St. Gallen is located.  He provides much evidence that McCarrick continued to be affiliated with this demonic group for years and because of this, moved up the ranks of the Church with ease.  Very scary stuff.

Overall the book is great.  It does have a few low points.  The stuff about La Salette I didn’t find too interesting since that doesn’t have to do with infiltration, but only warns us of it.  Regardless, buy the book.  The information on the Sankt Gallen mafia and Ted McCarrick are alone enough of a reason to get this book.  Most of the demonic internal activity in the church in the last two centuries are covered in detail.  Some parts aren’t too exciting but all of it is important.  All of these ugly church episodes are in one volume and we all owe Taylor Marshall a big thanks for making this happen.  Get the book, read it, shutter, and get ready for a huge spiritual battle.

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