Expanding the Recommended Reading Section

One of the new books added to the list

When I first started this website back in 2015, I wanted to make a Recommended Reading section.  When I originally made it, I only put a few books on the list and they were very basic.  I’ve learnt a lot more about apologetics dealing with the online community since then.  I now have a better idea about what is important and where focus needs to be put.  I hope that my readers find this helpful.  Here are my recent additions to the list:

The Case for Jesus by Brant Pitre

It’s probably the best book to go against the popular bestselling apostate Bart Ehrman.  Let’s face it, enemies of the faith are reading Ehrman whether we like it or not.  This book is the perfect antidote to his poison.

The Islamic Jesus by Mustafa Akyol

This book is a scholarly analysis of Jesus from a Muslim perspective.  It’s mildly apologetic but honest with the facts.  Akyol tries really hard to find the Muslim Jesus in history but deep down I think he knows that the Muslim Jesus is a myth.  For anyone getting deep into Islamic apologetics, this book is mandatory.

History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland by William Cobbett

The best historical refutation of the Protestant Church of England ever written.  This book chronicles how the English people had their faith stolen from them by the corrupt and demonic Tudor family.

How the Reformation Happened by Hilaire Belloc

The great 20th century Catholic writer Hilaire Belloc talks about the “reformation” and the disastrous effects across Europe that still haunt us to this day.

Letters on the Spanish Inquisition by Joseph de Maistre

People look at the Spanish Inquisition as one of the darkest periods in human history.  The truth is the exact opposite.  The inquisition was the most civilized court on the European continent at the time.  It only has a bad reputation because of lies spread by the English.  Maistre tackles those lies.

The Early Papacy: To the Synod of Chalcedon in 451 by Adrian Fortescue

This small work shows the evidence for the Papacy in the earliest centuries of the Christian faith.  It was written by Adrian Fortescue who was a giant in the Oxford Movement.

Not By Bread Alone by Robert Sungenis

The best defense of the Catholic Mass written in modern times.  Sungenis goes deep into Scripture and Tradition and shows that this was a belief from the earliest times and not a medieval invention.

They Have Uncrowned Him by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

This book is the most outstanding critique of modernism that I’ve ever read.  It’s very philosophical and deep.  In these times of crisis, we can’t ignore the modernism in our Church.  It can only be defeated by extremely sound arguments.  This book provides many.

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