Yusuf Estes Knows More About History Than the Quran

The Quran – The Holy Book of the Islamic Faith

In my last post, I talked about how popular Muslim speaker Yusuf Estes said some absolutely ridiculous things about the origins of the Catholic Church.  I mentioned that it was sad and pathetic that so many Muslims would swallow this nonsense hook, line, and sinker.  However, I also mentioned that more sober minded, well read and educated Muslims would find this equally absurd as us Christians do.

This post is addressed to the Muslims who think that Yusuf Estes is a joke when it comes to history.  I have one question for those Muslims.  Why do you accept the Quran?

We know Yusuf Estes is a joke because what he says about the origins of a certain religion is false.  Why do you trust the Quran on the origins of Islam?  The Quran claims that Abraham, Noah, Alexander the Great, John the Baptist, Mary, Jesus and the apostles were all Muslims.

According to the Quran, Islam didn’t start in the 7th century in Arabia.  That was simply the Ummah of Muhammad.  In terms of Islam, they’re actually late in the game.  All of the Biblical figures were Muslims according to the Quran.

But when Jesus felt [persistence in] disbelief from them, he said, “Who are my supporters for [the cause of] Allah?” The disciples said, “We are supporters for Allah. We have believed in Allah and testify that we are Muslims [submitting to Him].

– Surah 3:52

Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was one inclining toward truth, a Muslim [submitting to Allah].  And he was not of the polytheists.

– Surah 3:67

I can find many more examples of ancient figures being called Muslims.  Now, we know that Islam didn’t exist before Muhammad.  Yes, there were people that followed God’s will but that doesn’t make you a Muslim.  That’s only half of the shahada.

The statements that the disciples of Christ and Abraham were Muslims is even more ridiculous than the statement that Alexander the Great started the Catholic Church three centuries before Christ.  If I’m wrong, please let me know.

Also, deep down educated Muslims know that their religion started with Muhammad.  I was on Paul Williams’ blog once and he posted a meme that essentially said that Islam was the last of the Abrahamic religions.  I told him that he was a heretic because everyone knows that Islam goes back thousands of years before that.  Obviously this was just sarcasm but I did it to deliver a point.

I recently talked to a young lady who converted to Islam.  We were talking about events around the life of Jesus.  To make a point in our discussion, she said that there “was no Islam back then”.  I laughed a bit inside when I heard that but didn’t bother correcting her.  She was right, there wasn’t, but that’s not what the Quran and Muslims say.  Obviously she’s new to the deen and hasn’t been fully educated into the “fact” that Islam is the oldest religion in the world.

It’s a bit ironic, isn’t it?  The newest of the major religions on this planet claims to be the oldest with no evidence at all, in fact, mountains of evidence to the contrary.  This level of falsity is far more erroneous than the idiocy of Yusuf Estes.  Estes is off by 300 years.  The Quran is off by thousands of years.

Since the Quran is the one making these statements that make Yusuf Estes look like Edward Gibbon, it is safe to conclude that the Quran is a historically worthless document.  I don’t see how there is any other conclusion one can reach.  If it’s not historically sound, what does that say about the spiritual content?

This is my challenge to Muslims that know that Estes is a joke.  If you reject Estes’ claims on the origin of Catholicism based on logic and evidence, why don’t you reject the claims about the Quran regarding the origin of your religion?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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4 thoughts on “Yusuf Estes Knows More About History Than the Quran

  1. 1.”If I’m wrong, please let me know.”- we may never know for sure, but there are some very suspicious clues. For example, Dhul Qarnayn had two horns, and there are two keys on the Vatican’s flag. Coincidence? Think not.
    2.”I laughed a bit inside when I heard that but didn’t bother correcting her.”- I think that you missed a golden opportunity to cast doubt in her heart on her new religion.

    • 1) Now Orangehunter, you just might be on to something!!!!

      2) Oh don’t worry, there was tons of that in the conversation. I brought up something really nasty about Muhammad’s life and(fully acknowledging this as fact) she said: “I can’t judge him. He’s the best ever.”

      The more I learn about Muhammad, the more I think he’s the greatest argument that atheists have.

      • — the statement that Alexander the Great started the Catholic Church three centuries before Christ–

        What is that great Muslim, Dhul Qarnayn, doing starting false shirk religions??? 🤔

        • From Vocab Malone’s essay in Our God Is Triune:

          –The most shocking and accidentally humorous part of this quote is where Farrar calls Paul and Constantine the founders of Christianity. Emperor Nero executed Paul in 67 AD and Constantine became the sole Roman Emperor in 324 AD. How then, can these two men, separated by more than 250 years, be the founders of Christianity?–

          Hey, so the timespan from Paul to Constantine is around 300 years… Coincidentally, the timespan from Alexander the Great to Paul is also close to 300 years!