I recently tried a new debating technique with a Muslim and it worked quite well. I’m wondering if this is a unique situation. Now it has to be with a Muslim who is somewhat educated about Christianity which is almost none though internet apologists like Ijaz Admad would fall into this category. They especially need to know who St. Paul is and how he’s the standard fall guy for traditional Christianity. Since the Quran doesn’t explicitly name him as a Muslim, unlike Jesus, Mary, and the apostles, the blame for Christianity looking the way it does falls almost exclusively on him.
Book Review: Ausburg and Constantinople by George Mastrantonis
I can’t remember why I decided to read this book. That’s odd because I ordered it only recently. Basically in the late 16th century the Lutheran Church of Germany had some religious discussion with the Greek Orthodox Church of Constantinople. While I was reading it I realized that this would have been important to my ancestors. My dad is a Lutheran and my mom is a Uniate. While Uniates aren’t Orthodox, my mom’s Uniate group came into existence in 1596 at the Union of Brest. They were Orthodox but became Byzantine Catholic with this agreement. In other words, this is the theological duel of my ancestry! How exciting! I’m descended from peasants on both sides so this probably went right over their heads.
Happy Easter Under Quarantine
Happy Easter! Our Lord is Risen! I never thought that I’d have to celebrate Easter through a global pandemic. I’m guessing that 99% of Catholics didn’t have access to a mass this Easter. I made use of online Latin Masses through Sensus Fidelium, which is a great YouTube channel.
Quarantine Apologetics Reading List – Catholic Edition
Following up from the last post, here are the Catholic books:
Quarantine Apologetics Reading List – Non-Catholic Edition
With 95% of the world under quarantine because of the Wuflu, I have decided to make a recommended reading list and have an interesting criteria. There are some great books that I’ve read that I’d recommend to anyone. The Fourth Cup by Scott Hahn is one of those books. However, I haven’t picked that one up since I’ve read it. I haven’t used it for a reference. The list of books that I’ve prepared for the Wuflu quarantine are books that I constantly reference. I’ve used them many times since I’ve first read it. It’s a very economical list in that way. Also, a few of these writings are from the Church Fathers and can be found online for free; an even better deal.
Seven Questions for Educated Muslims
I’ve made up a list of seven questions for educated and well read Muslims. They’re based on my research over the last several years. I think these are strong points that relate to Islamic historical and theological claims.
Muslims, does this verse teach the Papacy?
Sometimes I wish that I lived in London so I could go to Speakers’ Corner and field test my arguments against Muslims. I know what I’m about to tell you has worked against Jehovah’s Witness’ who used to camp outside my apartment building when I lived downtown.
I Read Some 14th Century Byzantine Literature
Refuting Paul Williams on the Law
Muslim apologist Paul Williams has come out with a video where he tries to put Jesus Christ at odds with the apostle Paul in terms of the Mosaic law. In typical Paul Williams fashion he quotes his “Christian” liberal scholars. The scholars that he quotes are Catholic. I encourage everyone to watch my interview with Timothy Flanders to see what a true theologian is. The ones that Williams quoted don’t fit this bill.
Quarantine Apologetics
Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away: as it hath pleased the Lord so is it done: blessed be the name of the Lord.
– Job 1:21