As a Christian apologist, I’ve read the Quran numerous times. I’ve made a goal to know it better than most Muslims. I recently had a religious discussion with a friend of mine from Gaza. When we were done he said that I knew the Quran better than most Muslims. I also had the privilege of explaining to him where Rabbinic Judaism comes from as he’s a Palestinian and has felt the wrath of Israeli ethnic cleansing.
Adnan Rashid vs. Samuel Green on Salvation in Christianity and Islam
There was a recent debate between Adnan Rashid and Samuel Green on salvation in Christianity and Islam. Samuel Green was technically representing the Christian side, though Green isn’t a Catholic so his theology is somewhat off though obviously closer to my position than the position of Adnan Rashid.
Surah 2:79 and Bible Corruption
If you’ve ever had dialogue with a Muslim on religion, you’ll find out very quickly that he believes that the previous Scriptures are corrupted and unreliable. Sometime before the Quran was revealed the Scriptures got corrupted. Where and when did they get corrupted? If you ask five different Muslims, you’re likely to get five different answers, unless they tell you that they don’t know. The interesting thing is to look in the holy book and see what it says.
Muhammad and Joseph Smith Were Right on a Certain Point
As a Catholic, I’m always open to investigating claims of prophethood. I talk a lot about Islam on this blog but Islam is not the only world religion with a false prophet. There is Mormonism as well. Mormonism is another religion that started with a false prophet who in many ways was similar to Muhammad. A political leader as well as a military leader, had multiple wives, and said the previous Scriptures were corrupted whenever they disagreed with him so his claims couldn’t be tested.
Why is Steve Ray Talking About Islam?
I’m a huge fan of Steve Ray. He’s a very good apologist, especially when it comes to the early Church fathers. I’ve read several of his books including his book on his conversion story and his evaluation of the Papacy. Here he is at Franciscan University of Steubenville talking about Islam. For those who don’t know FUS is one of the biggest Catholic education centres in America so this isn’t some minor audience. It’s a group of University students at a Catholic University. The talk is also recorded and put on the Steubenville YouTube channel so it’s a huge Catholic audience.
The Islamic Jesus and Muhammad
According to Muslim tradition, when Muhammad was 40 years old, he was spoken to by an angel and this made him a prophet. For the next 23 years of his life, he would receive more of the Quran until he had received it all. If one were to talk to Muhammad when he was 30, he would not have claimed to be a prophet of God. What made him a prophet? The Quran.
Jesus the Nazarene – Fake Prophecy or Beautiful Connection Between Testaments?
And coming he dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was said by prophets: That he shall be called a Nazarene.
– Matthew 2:23
Did Jesus Claim to be the Prophet from Deuteronomy 18?
When reading the Gospels, we see that Jesus Christ made great claims about himself. He referred to himself as many things but the question is, did he claim to be the Prophet like Moses in Deuteronomy 18? Muslims like to point to Muhammad and say that he is the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18. The truth is, when we look at the words of Christ and His apostles, there is no way that this passage could refer to Muhammad, Joseph Smith, or Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. If anyone professes to believe in Christ, you have to follow what He says; so what does He say about this issue?
Refuting Faiz on the “Missing Books” in the Bible
The first time I encountered Faiz online I thought he was an atheist. This is because of the double standards that he uses. For example, he keeps saying that we have no first century manuscripts of the NT. He’s correct, we don’t. No first century book or document has first century manuscripts.
What Jesus Did and What Muhammad Failed to Do
Muslims and Christians both agree that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Where we disagree is on the status of Muhammad in the Abraham tradition. Muslims believe that he was the seal of the prophets, and Christians claim that he was a pretender, no different than Joseph Smith or Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. One big problem for this claim was that he never confronted the religious authorities on this.