When Christians and Muslims debate, Muslims are pretty good at framing the debate. It seems like the vast majority of the time, the topic is either neutral or the Christians are on the defensive. Hardly ever is the Islamic position attacked.
Can Mohammed Hijab and Company Beat Matthew Vines?
I’m currently reading through the book Our God is Triune. It’s a collection of essays from a handful of Calvinist scholars who make a strong case for the deity of Christ and the doctrine of the Trinity. Expect a review of this book soon. Reading this book gives me a suggestion for Muslim apologists.
Thoughts on the Islamic Party of Ontario
A few months ago, I denounced the label of conservative. One of the reasons is that I no longer have anything in common with them. In the province of Ontario which contains about 40% of Canada’s population, there has been news of a recently established party called the Islamic Party of Ontario. Many political commentators on the right and also on the left are in a mass panic over the establishment of this party.
Leftism, Islam, Homosexuality, and the Enlightenment
I’ve always believed that if you’re a true believer in the enlightenment and you follow it’s teachings to their logical conclusion you’ll be like the Marquis de Sade in terms of sexual morality and a Jacobin when it comes to religion. America, being the most complete enlightenment state ever created has been doing its best to spread enlightenment values globally. No one is immune. Obviously Christians aren’t immune and neither are the Muslims.
Islam Critiqued and the Divine Cloud Rider
There is this apologist who appeared on YouTube about a year ago. His channel is called Islam Critiqued. He seems to have a very good grasp of the Old Testament and the Hebrew language. His knowledge is pretty impressive. I recommend his channel to everyone dealing with Islam.
Good News For Christian Apologists – We’re Winning!
If one looks at Islamic apologetics today and ten years ago, it’s quite different. The only Muslim still doing debates is Shabir Ally and he’s become pretty liberal. I would say that he’s a breath away from becoming a Quran only Muslim. Sami Zaatari and Osama Abdullah aren’t even debating anymore. I’ll also give my hats off to Adnan Rashid, Zakir Hussain and Mohammed Hijab for stepping up and taking their place.
Thoughts on a Recent Episode of Street Apologist Featuring Vocab Malone and Jeff Kran
Apologist Vocab Malone recently had a livestream with Jeff Kran. They were dealing with genealogical objections from Jewish apologists. I don’t want to comment on that but I do want to talk about one thing that they brought up at the beginning.
Polygamy in the Bible and in Islam
I was once on an Islamic apologetics website and the Muslim who ran the website said that polygamy was allowed in the OT and Jesus never prohibited it in the NT. I was tempted to leave it alone thinking that he would simply ignore the clear evidence that I presented but I stubbornly decided to present my case. I went on to quote Matthew 19:5, where our Lord Jesus Christ quoted Genesis 2:24. He says:
Confessions of an Arabian Man-God
In recent weeks and months, several apologists have been producing a lot of material showing that the god of Islam is not a spirit like the God of the Bible, but a very anthropomorphic man-god with actual physical body parts. These apologists are David Wood, Sam Shamoun, Anthony Rogers, and Vocab Malone. In my opinion they’ve done a very good job in bringing this to light. I wonder what Deedat would have said about this if he were alive.
The Biggest Secret of the Year
It’s been an interesting year with this website. I’ve got to meet quite a few new people in both the apologetics community and Catholic community in general. The Lord has truly blessed me. Before this year, I was only moderately familiar with the Quran. Having read it multiple times this year, I’ve gained a lot of knowledge.