David Wood has come up with a brilliant concept to describe the method of most major dawah figures in the world today. It’s called the 99-1 rule. It basically goes like this. A Muslim in a position of authority will preach total nonsense. Say there were 100 Muslims in the audience; about 99 of them will take it on faith, while one person will look it up and find the truth. The one doesn’t matter because the 99 can shout down the 1. Problem solved. I now see this method employed to an amazingly large degree.
The Anti-Christian and Pro-Islamic Mike Cernovich
We Need Female Apologists Against Islam
In the cultural debate about Islam, many people are quick to say that Islam is oppressive to women. Muslims are quick to respond by saying that the majority of coverts in the West are women. I find this to be true through my personal research. The reasons for this are a topic for another post. Regardless of this, there seems to be a lot of female Muslims in the West, whether they’re converts or born into the faith.
Four Sources For Trinitarian Apologetics
In defending the doctrine of the Trinity against Islam or another heretical group, there are several resources that I recommend. There are actually five sources that I recommend but the fifth one is the Bible so it’s a given. One needs to know the Bible in order to defend the Trinity, or any other doctrine for that matter. Of my four additional sources that I’m going to recommend, two are from the ancient church and two are from modern apologists.
Islam isn’t the Quran. Islam is the Hadith.
Something that I try to engage in is empathy. I like to put myself in the shoes of others and wonder how they think. I’ve been talking to a lot of Muslims lately. I want to see where they stand in regards to the Hadith. I’m not talking about apologists or scholars. I’m talking about the average Muslim who grows up in the West or in a Muslim country.
Our God is Triune: Essays in Biblical Theology
Edited by Michael R. Burgos Jr.
A few weeks ago I learned about this amazing book on the Trinity, edited by a group of apologists against Islam. Obviously the Trinity takes centre stage in Christian vs. Muslim debates but even if Islam didn’t exist, the Trinity would still hold equal importance in our faith. This volume is edited by Michael R. Burgos Jr. and it’s a delight to read.
The Best Christian Theologians to Read
People who know me personally often ask what theologians to read. Obviously there are many good Christian theologians throughout the 2,000 years of the Christian faith. I’ve always said that 1,000 to 1,300 AD was the golden age of Christianity. While I still stand by that, there have been great thinkers throughout the history of the Church.
Yusuf Estes Knows More About History Than the Quran
In my last post, I talked about how popular Muslim speaker Yusuf Estes said some absolutely ridiculous things about the origins of the Catholic Church. I mentioned that it was sad and pathetic that so many Muslims would swallow this nonsense hook, line, and sinker. However, I also mentioned that more sober minded, well read and educated Muslims would find this equally absurd as us Christians do.
Yusuf Estes is a Fraud
On the weekend, David Wood and Anthony Rogers did a livestream on YouTube. The YouTube was to refute a claim that Yusuf Estes made on some television show that I believe was filmed in Dubai. In this clip Estes said that the Catholic Church was started by Alexander the Great in Rome three centuries before Christ. He also claims that this is on the Catholic website.
A Lesson in Rational Debate
I get into a lot of debates with people of different religions and those with none at all. One thing that I like to do is challenge people on their sources. As a Catholic, I don’t believe in Sola Scriptura so those sources go beyond Scripture. I accept quotations from Church fathers, ecumenical councils, papal documents etc.