What do I think of Isnad chains? Well, to be honest I don’t know. In the late ninth century scholars like Bukhari were finally coming into an Islamic age of literacy. It was now time to put the traditions of Muhammad to paper(or vellum). Bukhari and others then went around the Muslim world collecting sayings of Muhammad and his companions.
Mike Winger, James 2, and Justification
About a month ago I discovered who Mike Winger was. Shortly after that Vocab Malone had him on his livestream. I’ve watched quite a few of his videos. Like most people who attend Calvary Chapel, he’s very anti-Catholic. However, he seems like a nice guy so I think he’s worth watching.
Eucharist vs Hajj
I just finished reading a book called The Mass of the Early Christians by Mike Aquilina. I read the book in two sittings and I’m not a fast reader. It’s a book that documents the history of the Christian practice of the Eucharist. As someone who values history, it is important to look at the history of such a sacred Christian practice. Every group that calls themselves Christian takes part in this ritual in one manner or another.
Observations on William Tyndale and Steven Anderson
Pastor Steven Anderson is an American Baptist Pastor who is part of the King James Only movement. He has absolute faith in the King James Bible; a translation that I’m not too fond of. But he believes in the perfection of this 17th century document.
Surah 61 and 62 on the Torah
I’ve been reading the Quran a lot lately. Because of the ordering of the surahs, the early ones seem to take forever whereas the later ones go by super quickly. Anyone who has read it will know what I mean. It seems that after about Surah 50, it’s smooth sailing until the end. As most people know, Muslims say that the Torah is corrupt, even though that view is entirely absent from the Quran. I was plowing through the later surahs the other day and found two back to back surahs that really help explain the Quranic view.
In Search of Mecca in the Bible and Elsewhere
We’ve all heard Muslims try to find Muhammad in the Bible. They commonly use the Prophet like Moses in Deuteronomy 18 and the Paraclete of John’s Gospel; and let’s not forget my favorite prophecy of Muhammad, the Muhammadim in the Song of Solomon. I think a better way to challenge them would be to ask where they find Mecca in the Bible.
The Burning Bush: How the Torah, the New Testament and the Quran Refute Unitarianism
One episode that is covered in both testaments of the Bible is that of Moses and the burning bush. Ironically it appears in the Quran as well. We can draw some interesting conclusions when we read all three of these passages. Let us start with the Torah since Jews, Christians, and Muslims accept it as scripture.
Martin Luther and the Medieval Church
I come from a German family. The main religion of the German people is Lutheranism and that is what my family is. Both of my grandparents died as practicing Lutherans. Although I inherited the Catholicism of my Ukrainian mother, I grew up around Lutheranism.
Literacy in Early Islam
Mohammed Hijab Actually Being Consistent
I have long come to the conclusion that Muslim apologists cannot be consistent. They’ll quote a verse from the Gospel of John to support Muhammad being a prophet but when that same Gospel is quoted back at them to prove a Christian doctrine, it suddenly becomes “late and unreliable”. One ambiguous verse in Hebrews is quoted while the rest of the book is ignored. It’s worthless in their eyes. Countless other examples could be given.