Interview With Stefanie Nicholas

On October 31, 2019 I had a conversation with my friend Stefanie Nicholas.  She became a Catholic in 2018 and has quite a testimony.  I didn’t want to focus on her conversion story as it was recently made available at the Fatima Conference so people can watch it on their YouTube Channel.

While Stefanie isn’t the first Canadian that I’ve interviewed(see my interview with Cam Wilson), she is the first woman that I’ve interviewed on my channel.  I should also point out that Stefanie lives in Eastern Canada.  For those that don’t know, Eastern Canada is super liberal.  They’re socialists and globalists and they’re trying desperately to destroy the economy in the rest of Canada.

I wanted to get another opinion on two events.  The first is the Amazon Synod and the second is reformation day which is celebrated on October 31, 2019.  Regarding the synod, I wanted to have a female opinion on this crackpot request by Bishop Brautler and others for female deacons.  Of course, it wasn’t directly requested because they knew it wouldn’t get the two thirds vote.  They’re just trying to keep the movement alive.

We also talked about the manipulation of the promotion of the Synod.  It wasn’t called the South American Synod or the Brazilian Synod.  It was specifically called the Amazon Synod because Catholics outside of South America would think of trees, rivers, waterfalls, ecosystems, endangered species and things like that.  Most people in the Amazon region live in cities like New York, Toronto, Kiev, Rome, Detroit, Vancouver and similar places.  Once that’s known this tree-hugging facade just blows up.

Our other conversation finished off with the reformation.  It was the anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg Germany.  Of course it’s a bit historically inaccurate because the next day you didn’t ask yourself if you were going to go to a Catholic or Protestant Church.

Still, we talked about the crisis in North America and Western Europe.  I’m not as anti-Protestant as I was when I started this blog but I would like to see them come home.  Christendom divided is probably our greatest obstacle to our witness.  I also think that it hinders our witness to Jews and Muslims who are much more united in their faith.

Anyways, the interview is up so let me know what you think.  Also, recently carried my article on the push for the female diaconate at the Amazon Synod.  Have a good weekend and God bless.


Requiem for a Synod: Female Deacons Rally Again

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