James White’s beliefs are in the Early Church

When we look back at Church history we see that the 16th century often brought beliefs back that had been discarded.  James White would be proud of this.  However, who held these beliefs?  Was it the early Catholic Church or was it the heretical sects?  Let’s look at three examples using the early Church historian Socrates of Constantinople.

Musings on Valid Baptisms, Protestantism, and Eastern Orthodoxy

Christianity received a large influx of converts in the fourth century.  At the beginning of the fourth century the Roman Empire was majority pagan but by the end it was majority Christian.  At the same time, the fourth century was going through the Arian crisis.  Many of the pagan converts into Christianity initially came in as Arians and became Catholic when the crisis was over.  Did they have to get re-baptized?  Here is what Pope Siricius said in his letter to Himerius:

Pope Leo the Great – The only good Pope according to Ken Temple

We have good news ladies and gentlemen.  Protestant apologist Ken Temple has admitted that there was a good Pope.  A couple posts ago he said the following in the comments section:

The only good bishop of Rome was Leo 1, because of his Tome on the 2 natures of Christ.

Apostasy: Trent or Constantinople?

I often have debates on Twitter with a reformed Baptist named Ken Temple.  He often comments on this blog as well.  It’s all in good fun.  One thing that he has pointed out is that the Catholic Church went apostate during the Council of Trent.  This is because the doctrine of Sola Fide was officially condemned at this ecumenical council.

Why Didn’t St. Ignatius Mention the Bishop of Rome?

This will be a follow up to my last article where I deal with St. Ignatius.  As everyone knows, there are seven early epistles of St. Ignatius to various churches in the Roman Empire.  In his letter to the Church of Rome, he doesn’t address the bishop at the beginning of his letter.  He addresses the bishop of the city in his other letters.  Why didn’t he mention the bishop of the Church of Rome?

Anthony Buzzard, Liberals, and Sola Scriptura

I recently watched the dialogue between Adnan Rashid and Anthony Buzzard.  I have to say that Anthony Buzzard really disappoints me.  I don’t think that he has a lot of substance.  He claims that he’s shunned by Christians for saying the Shema.  That’s obviously a dishonest statement.  He’s shunned for giving an interpretation for the Shema that’s consistent with medieval Rabbinic Judaism.

How Protestants(Especially James White) View Typology

One of the most beautiful things about the Christian faith is the amazing connection between the two testaments.  This is not only done through theology and prophesy but typology as well.  I recently completed the Lectio Mary Bible study online lectures by Brant Pitre.  This lecture and many others are available on formed.org.

Helping my Protestant friends out

St. Anthony of the Desert

When I first started this website five years ago, I had a more negative view of Protestants.  I still do hold to a very negative view of the reformation as it was a state sponsored looting operation but there are Protestants out there that have a deep love for Jesus Christ and the sacred Scriptures.  Now, I don’t believe in fake unity at the expense of truth, however in this day and age I think there is reason for us to team up in combating the constant evil that is taking over North and South America, Western Europe and other parts of the world.  I want to offer some advice to Protestants to help them with their spiritual lives.  I have five pieces of advice.

Abrogation to the Rescue!

We’ve all seen the last of the Lord of the Rings movies, Return of the King?  Remember when the city of Minas Tirith is under siege then the riders of Rohan show up to save the day?  The cavalry always comes to save the day.  Unless it’s the Battle of Waterloo where Marshall Ney’s cavalry charge utterly failed.  Basically the cavalry always comes to save the day.

Sozomen and the Ishmaelites

We often hear from Muslims that Muhammad and his early followers were descended from the Ishmaelites.  Obviously Islam doesn’t come on the scene until the 7th century.  We don’t know much about Arabia prior to Islam.  Most of our information comes from secondary accounts and modern day archeology.