September 11, 2001 was an interesting day for all of us. I remember where I was when I heard about the towers coming down. That was also the moment when everyone had to become an expert on Islam.
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The Great Irony of Surah 4:157
Anyone who’s familiar with Christian apologetics against Islam knows about Surah 4:157. It’s the verse in the Quran that forces Muslims to oppose the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The verse was “revealed” 600 years after the event that is at the center of the Christian faith.
Two Saints talk about Sola Scriptura
On October 31, 2017, Protestants will celebrate the 500th anniversary of the “reformation”. Truth be told, it’s only the anniversary of Martin Luther posting his complaints of the door of the Castle Church. This event happened on October 31, 1517. It should be fair to point out that when the citizens of Germany woke up on the morning of November 1, 1517, they weren’t debating whether they should go to a Protestant Church since they didn’t exist at the time. Regardless, the reformation is erroneously fixed to this date in 1517 AD just like the Catholic/Greek Schism is erroneously dated to 1054 AD.
Bart Ehrman: Prophet of Islam
Christianity and Islam have a very different history when it comes to apologetics. Christianity needed to engage in apologetics immediately whereas Islam didn’t need to. Islam had an empire and held the sword over Christians. Even if the Christians could refute Islam, it didn’t matter because they were ruled by the Islamic Caliphate.
Podcast Review: Pop Culture Coffee Hour
Despite my education being in engineering, I have a deep love for the arts. In high school I got into any band that I could. In addition to that I was in theatre club and on the yearbook committee. Also, anyone who knows me will know that I have a deep appreciation for film and literature. In fact, I’ve dabbled in the idea of becoming a film critic for quite some time. Having my engineering background, math and science are my job but film and literature is my love. My favorite posts on this blog are actually book or film reviews which might be a shock to most of my readers.
How Muslims Read and View the Bible.
I had two experiences recently. The first experience was on a Muslim apologetics blog and looking at the comments. There was this really anti-Christian Muslim commenting on Christianity. He essentially said that Christianity doesn’t care about Law and good works. After challenging him, he started to misquote the Bible and naturally blamed this on Paul.
Never Do This When Debating a Muslim!!!
There are over a billion Muslims in the world. Dialoguing with them is getting more and more important since many of them live in the West. At Speakers Corner in London, many debates take place. Recently a young American lady went to Speakers Corner and debated some Muslim apologists. She probably didn’t know that these were heavyweight apologists who have been doing this for years. Leaving that aside, the way she debated was a perfect example what not to do when debating Muslims.
Zakir Hussain Commits Shirk
I’ve been watching a lot of Zakir Hussain debates lately as he seems to be the new superstar apologist over in England. He has debated James White twice. The second time was recent and I’ve done a few posts on that debate. The first time was back in 2012 where he debated Dr. White on whether or not Muhammad is foretold in the Bible. I should point out that I don’t think that Zakir Hussain has been in a debate with cross examination. That would be interested to see him defend his theories under firm questioning.
Muhammad isn’t “altogether lovely” in Song of Solomon
Recently a Muslim apologist named Faiz tried to refute a blog post that I made about Muhammad in Song of Solomon 5:16. He didn’t even try to refute my points in my post but tried to make Muhammad into a type of Solomon. Here is his article:
Refuting Zakir Hussain on Hebrews 5:7
Islamic apologists have often appealed to Hebrews 5:7 for support that Jesus Christ was not crucified or didn’t die. The most recent person to do this is Zakir Hussain in his recent debate against James White. Here is what the verse says: