James White and Reformation History

It’s that time of year again.  It’s nearing October 31 and Dr. White is talking about the reformation.  Ironically, he’s making it less glorious than he’s made it out to be in the past.  A bit odd in my opinion.  He covered several topics a while back.  I want to comment on some of them.  The times are for the video above.

The Great Irony of Surah 4:157

The Crucifixion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Anyone who’s familiar with Christian apologetics against Islam knows about Surah 4:157.  It’s the verse in the Quran that forces Muslims to oppose the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  The verse was “revealed” 600 years after the event that is at the center of the Christian faith. 

Two Saints talk about Sola Scriptura

Arius of Alexandria

On October 31, 2017, Protestants will celebrate the 500th anniversary of the “reformation”.  Truth be told, it’s only the anniversary of Martin Luther posting his complaints of the door of the Castle Church.  This event happened on October 31, 1517.  It should be fair to point out that when the citizens of Germany woke up on the morning of November 1, 1517, they weren’t debating whether they should go to a Protestant Church since they didn’t exist at the time.  Regardless, the reformation is erroneously fixed to this date in 1517 AD just like the Catholic/Greek Schism is erroneously dated to 1054 AD.

A little help from Pope Pius X

It’s October 2017.  This is the month that many Protestants will celebrate the so called “reformation” since it’s 500 years from the posting of Martin Luther’s complaints on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.  I’ve been thinking of Protestants a lot this month.  If Luther had not done what he did, the people who today call themselves Protestant would be attending the Roman Mass and praying the Rosary.  

Bart Ehrman: Prophet of Islam

Dr. Bart Ehrman

Christianity and Islam have a very different history when it comes to apologetics.  Christianity needed to engage in apologetics immediately whereas Islam didn’t need to.  Islam had an empire and held the sword over Christians.  Even if the Christians could refute Islam, it didn’t matter because they were ruled by the Islamic Caliphate.

Podcast Review: Pop Culture Coffee Hour

Despite my education being in engineering, I have a deep love for the arts.  In high school I got into any band that I could.  In addition to that I was in theatre club and on the yearbook committee.  Also, anyone who knows me will know that I have a deep appreciation for film and literature.  In fact, I’ve dabbled in the idea of becoming a film critic for quite some time.  Having my engineering background, math and science are my job but film and literature is my love.  My favorite posts on this blog are actually book or film reviews which might be a shock to most of my readers.

Western Converts to Islam

Hamza Tzortis – A Western Convert to Islam

Historically the West has always been firmly opposed to Islam.  This is because of the strong Christian Tradition of the West.  Unfortunately, the strength of the faith in the West is a mere shadow of its former self.  I’ve never met a Western convert to Islam before but there are Western converts.  Having reflected on the arguments for Islam and Christianity, I find the arguments for Islam to be overall very weak.  The Islamic sources show a very poor understanding of the two religions that it’s trying to usurp.