Shabir Ally And The Resurrection Of Christ

The Crucifixion Of Our Lord

The Crucifixion Of Our Lord

Recently there was a debate between Protestant apologist Mike Licona and Islamic apologist Shabir Ally. The proposition was Jesus: Resurrected or Rescued. While Licona was defending resurrection, Ally was defending what is known as swoon theory. Classical Islam has traditionally stated that Jesus was never crucified but that someone was meant to look crucified in his place. This comes from the Quranic verse Surah 4:157 which reads:

My Response to Dr. James White

My Raymond Brown Collection

My Raymond Brown Collection

Yesterday Dr. James White responded to my post: James White Is Extremely Dishonest And Should Not Be Taken Seriously. His response showed some anger but its understandable since I aggressively attacked his apologetic methodology against Catholicism. The same methodology used by Shabir Ally when criticizing Christianity as a whole.

James White Is Extremely Dishonest And Should Not Be Taken Seriously

White And Ally - Two Sides Of The Same Coin

White And Ally – Two Sides Of The Same Coin

James White is an inconsistent apologist. He is more than happy to point out how Islamic apologists like Shabir Ally use double standards to attack the Christian faith but when it comes to attacking Catholicism, he throws those standards out the window.

Islamic Apologetics And The Majority of Scholars

The Sanhedrin - The Majority Of Scholars That Condemned Christ

The Sanhedrin – The Majority Of Scholars That Rejected Christ

According to the majority of scholars….The majority of scholars say…..Most scholars have concluded….

Ever heard these lines before when dealing with Islamic apologists? I certainly have. To Islamic apologists, this argument carries a lot of weight. However, they’ll only pull out the “majority of scholars” when it backs up their position. Since I have written on this inconsistency in the past, I won’t repeat it here.  I want to touch on how to confront these arguments head on.

The Case For Jesus By Brant Pitre

A Review


These days it’s hard to look at the Religion section in your local bookstore and not see several anti-Christian books by the famous apostate Bart Ehrman. It seems that he’s always got another book coming out attacking the Christian faith. As bad as things seem to be, all is not lost.

Good Friday, Islam, And Liberal Scholarship

Specifically Addressed To Dr. Shabir Ally, Adnan Rashid, And Paul Williams

The Crucifixion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The Crucifixion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

In my last few posts, I have dealt with the subject of Islam. It’s an important topic because they’re over a billion strong and becoming more prevalent in western society. I don’t critique their faith out of hate but out of love for them. They need the gospel just like everyone else.

Two Major Errors In The Quran

The Quran - The Holy Book of the Islamic Faith

The Quran – The Holy Book of the Islamic Faith

The first Islamic document to attack Christianity is not some polemicist in the 7th or 8th Century but the Quran itself. The Quran attacks doctrines such as the Trinity and the Crucifixion of Christ. It attacks Judaism as well.

Can God Become A Man?

Trinitarianism Vs. Unitarianism In The Old Testament

St. Athanasius - Defender Of The Incarnation

St. Athanasius – Defender Of The Incarnation

The concept of the Incarnation is difficult to grasp for most Jews. Orthodox rabbis like Rabbi Tovia Singer state that God cannot come down in the form of anything. I find this odd since the Rabbi is telling God what he can and cannot do. The truth is, God comes down to earth in the form of a man several times in the Old Testament.

A Response To Melissa The Chemist – Part 2

St. Thomas - The Apostle who brought Christianity to Iraq

St. Thomas – The Apostle who brought Christianity to Iraq

Now that we’ve established that war is not completely forbidden by the teachings of Christ, we have to ask if George Bush’s military campaign in Iraq falls into this category. Melissa pointed out that non-Christians would be killed in this conflict. She is completely correct.